Winter Break

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December 20, 1960 (4 months later)

For the past 4 months me and Mary have been talking but just as friends, we want to be together so where just taking it slow so we can rebuild that connection between us "oh" I say as I walk into my dorm to see my roommate Gloria eating some guys face off "oh Y/N hey, what are you doing here?" She says as the guy begins to get up and put his stuff on "well I live here" I say "hi" the guy says to me "hi, bye" I say as he begins to leave our dorm "who's that?" "Idk someone guy I met in class" she says as I take of my coat and boots "so your just bringing random guys to our dorm?" I ask as I sit at my desk and being to unpack my backpack "well he's not really random, he's my lab partner I just can't remember his name" she says as I put my books on to my desk so I can catch up on my studies "why don't you ever bring anyone over?" "well because your always here" I say to her as she laughs "so am I stopping you from getting some Lovin?" She says as she gets up and moves her shoulder side side "what? No it's just me and them are taking things slow right now" I say as I focus back on my work "who is them Y/N?" She asks "the person I am talking with" I say in response "you know you can just say her right?" She says as I turn around in shock, how did she know? "How do you know?" I ask her "well it's not that hard to figure out, I mean you look like my brother" she says, I don't know if I was offended or not "thanks?" "You're welcome, but I don't care who you like or date Y/N, I mean it's the 19th century not the 1800s" she says before leaving to go to the bathroom but she stops and looks at our calendar.

"Your birthday is in five days?!" she says to me as I turn around to look at her "yeah but I don't remember putting this up-" I say as I get up to look at the calendar, and yep my birthday was on there....Mary "Y/N why didn't you tell me your birthday is coming up? I could have gotten you a gift" "I don't know it's just kind of another day for me" I say "well you should change that state of mind, because your birthday should be a beautiful day to you not just another day" she says as she finally goes into the bathroom.

"This ice cream is really good" Mary says as we sit in a ice cream parlor, I wanted to take us here because we haven't seen each other in like two weeks because of our studies and finals "yeah me and Gary found out about this place not to long ago, I thought it was perfect to bring you here" I say as she lifts her head to smile at me "so Y/N what are you doing for your birthday?, I mean it's in 5 days and plus we're going home" Mary says to me, I don't like when people ask me this question, its not like I hate my birthday or anything it's just not so exciting "I don't know really, whatever my Mom and Dad got planned" "oh come on Y/N, is there nothing fun you want to do?" Mary says as she grabs my hand "well there's one thing, we can probably go on a date?" I ask as Mary chuckles "a date?" She asks me and I nod "ok Y/L/N you're on" she says "but you have to do one thing for me" "ok, what is it?" "I want you to at least act happy on your birthday...for me?" She says as I feel her feet go in between my legs and I jump a little "ook you got it" I say as she drops her feet back into place "alright, now let's finish this ice cream so we can head back" she says as she goes back to eating her ice cream.


"I'm going to miss you" I say to Ann as I was getting ready to leave, finals are finally over with and I'm so excited to start winter break "I will too, but don't worry we'll will be back in no time" she says "oh don't say that, I don't want to come back any sooner, so what are you doing for break?" I ask, she wasn't leaving like everyone else "oh I'm going to be going to be going home in a few days to spend the holidays with my family in California, another train doesn't come until the 24th" she says as I hear a knock on our door "that's Y/N" I say as I get excited but soon contain myself "oh hey Y/N" I say "Hey Mary, you ready?" She asks me as I go to get my suitcase "ready, bye Ann" I say as she waves at me "bye, bye Y/N see you next semester" she says to Y/N "alright see you then" she says as I close the door and grab her hand "let's go, I know your parents are waiting" I say as I drag her downstairs.

"There they are" a middle-aged black man says, this must be her parents..oh lord "hey Dad" Y/N says as she hugs her father, I was right "hey Mom" she says as she stops hugging her Father and starts hugging her Mother "um Mom Dad this is Mary Washington, Mary these are my Parents Donna Y/L/N and Keith Y/L/N" she says "hi it's nice to finally meet you two, Y/N has told me so much about you guys" I say as I go for a handshake with Y/Ns Mother but she hugs me instead "it's finally nice to meet you too Mary, Y/N talked about you all the time before she came here" she says as she pulls me away a little to look at me "Ma please stop" Y/N says as I chuckle a little "oh there's no need to be embarrassed, we're all grown here" Mrs. Y/L/N says as I begin to hug Mr. Y/L/N, they don't seem to bad "we should get going, I heard they're was gonna be a bad snowstorm" Mr. Y/L/N says as we all nod and being to leave, as we're walking to the car I decided to whisper something to Y/N "so you've been thinking about me huh?" I ask her as I can physically see her I gulp at the question "my mom is just-" "no need to explain Y/N, I've been thinking about you too" I say as I finally decide to speed up so I can catch up with Y/Ns parents.

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