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I wake up to some weight on my left arm, I soon realized it was Mary, and as I looked at her the memories from last night washes over me, oh god we had sex! "Good Morning" Mary says as she lifts her head up a bit "Morning" I say "did you sleep well?" "Like a baby" I say with an awkward laugh at the end "how about you?" "Wonderful" she says as she exhales "that's good" I say as I take a glimpse at my clock to see it's 9am, thank god it's Saturday "you hungry? I make delicious pancakes" I say and she nods "maybe in a few minutes, I'm still a little tired from last night" she says with a chuckle "yeah right" I say as I lay back down "do you need help with breakfast?" She says in drowsy tone "if you want to help" I say and she nods "ok I will help you" she says before going back to sleep.

"Why didn't you wake me?" Mary says as she comes down the stairs in one of my uniform shirts "just wanted you to get some more sleep" I say as I finish a pancake "where's your grandmother?" "I don't know, she wasn't here when I got up" I say "oh well do you need me to help with anything" "yeah um you can start whipping the eggs" I say as I point to the bowl of eggs "ok" she says as she walks to the counter where the eggs are.

"Y/N are you ok?" "Yeah why do you ask?" "Well ever since we've woke up you've been acting strange" she says, and she was right "it's just...last night...what we did is sentimental to us and I just think what if we regret this?" I say "Y/N, people's first times aren't always so romantic, sometimes it's their worst first time" she says, and that made me nervous, what if I was her worst "and no before you begin to get into your head, you were amazing" she says as I begin to blush "I won't regret this because this is something special to me and I will never regret it, just don't worry so much" she says as she kisses me "ok?" She says as I nod my head.

"On this bed?!" Robert says as he stands over my bed "yes" "oh my lord" he says as he covers his eyes with his hand "what?" "you've grown up" "oh stop it we're the same age" I say as I laugh "but...you don't get it" he says as I hear the doorbell "hold that thought" I say as I begin walking to the door "we're not done talking missy" he says as he follows me.

We get down to see some mail on the ground "must of been the mailman" I say as I pick up the mail and begin to look through it "so like...how was it?" "Robert I don't want to have this conversation with you" I say "This is absurd, how are you not going to tell your best friend the details" he says as I land on a letter from my parents, I haven't got a letter from them in months "what is it?" "My parents sent me a letter" I say as I open it.

Dear Y/N

I know we've broken our promise but we have good news, we're coming back to New York to see you, we're so excited to see how much you've grown, we're in Chicago right now and we should be out there in a couple of days

Love, Mom and Dad

"They're coming back to New York" I say in disbelief "what?" He says as he takes the letter form my hands and begins to read it, I sit down in silence because I'm speechless "how dare they just send a letter telling you this shit and just expect things to go back to normal when they abandoned you?!" He says in anger as I still sit in silence "Y/N? Are you ok?" He says as he grips my shoulder "yeah...of course, I just need to be alone for a bit, you know to adjust all this" I say as I feel my eyes water "well alright I will be back later, so if you need me just give me a call, ok?" He say as I nod and he gives me a hug.

"Alright see you later alligator" "after awhile crocodile" I say as he leaves and I close the door just to break down after.


"Mary what happened to you and that young man, Jeff?" My mother asks me as I help her with the dishes "nothing, we're just friends" I say as I put the cup on the dish rack "are you sure?" She asks and I nod "because he came over saying you two have a date but you weren't here" she says, I told him I didn't want to go anymore "we did have plans but I cancelled them because I didn't want to go with him, his a spaz" "Mary talk to me as your mother and not your friends" she says "sorry mother, it's just he's mean to others and he always wants to get physical with me".

"your father was the same way" she says as I stand there in shock "really?" "Yep, he always used to pick on the scrawny boys, and I didn't like that so I told him "if you want a date with me your going to have to start treating people more civilized"" "so did he change?" "You see us together right" she says and I nod "what I'm saying is that you can change him for the greater good" she says, but little do she know I don't want him "can I be excused?" "Yes you may" my mother says as I put the last dish on the rack and begin to head upstairs to my room.

Dear Diary

My first time was yesterday, and it was a amazing even though Y/N doesn't think so but I loved every moment of it, see Y/N is a movie fanatic so every romantic movie she sees she wants it to be just like that, and yeah it would have been nice if we had some candles, roses, a dinner but who's first time is planned? It was a lot of pressure in the beginning but as I got use to her it felt amazing, and the climax oh don't get me started with the climax, it was a feeling I've never experienced so when it happened it felt like fireworks that finally set off

"Who is it?" I say as I put my diary away "it's me baby doll" my father says as I get up to walk over to my door "yes?" "so your mother told me about you and this Jeff boy" my father says, what did she say to him "Dad there is no me and Jeff, we're just friends and he wanted to be more then that" I say not wanting to talk about him anymore "Mary he's a good boy, he has a 4.0 gpa, he plays sports and he's going places" he says as I get annoyed "dad that's great for him but I don't want to be with him, he's not a nice person" "what are you talking about, he very respectful and polite" he says but little do my father knows how he really is, a jerk "father I'm really tried so I'm going to go to sleep" I say "well just sleep on it, ok baby doll?" He says and I nod "well ok good night" "good night" I say as he walks away and I close my door.

I lay on my bed playing with my pearls as I wonder what Y/N could be up to.

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