A Lot

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"Hey Y/N, I haven't seen you in a while" Gary says as he comes from behind me "Gary we have the same class" I say as we make it to class and sit "I mean of course but it's like something is making you distant, you ok?" He says as I think about the letter that my parents sent me "yeah, just family problems" I say as Miss. Moore comes in "this week is the late week to finish up your projects, you all will be presenting your projects this week on Thursday and Friday and if we still need to finish up some we will finish on Monday, after the projects we will be moving on to a new unit but till then I don't have anything for you all to work on, so just finish up" she says as the kids begin to talk but I'm still thinking about my parents, how could they just try and come back into my life after all of these years? And I haven't even told my grandma about this.

"Hey Gary you mind if I sit there?" Mary says "oh of course, I have to finish up with my partner anyway" he says as he gets up nervously "hi Y/N, what are we doing today?" She ask as I try to hold my tears in "um, we finished so there is really nothing for us to do" I say as I look away from her and I can sense she knows something is wrong with me "oh well ok, Y/N are you ok? You seem a little sad" "yeah just family problems" "well do you want to talk about it after school?" She says as she puts her hand on my thigh, not in a sexual way but in a concerned way "um probably not tonight, I have some homework to catch up on" I say "Y/N I feel that your lying, your always on top of your homework, if you don't want to talk about just say that, just don't lie to me" "alright I'm sorry, I just don't want to talk about it" I say "that's more like it, if you need someone to talk to you know I'm here" she says and I nod as she goes back to her sit.

I get home to see my grandma making my favorite, peach cobbler with a warm glass of milk, and she only makes this for me if it's cold outside, to make me feel better and if she needs to tell me something "hey grandma" I say as I kiss her cheek "hey sweet baby, take a sit I have something to tell you" she says and I do as she says "so I got a call today...from your mother" she says as she places the cobbler in front of me and I take a big gulp "they say that there here in New York in a hotel, and they want to see you this weekend" she says as I feel angry inside "but you don't have to if you don't want to" she says as she waits on a response "I know they're in New York, they sent me a letter telling me" I say as I pick with my cobbler "and I decided I want to see them" I say "now Y/N you don't have to" "but I want to" I say and she nods.

As I finish up The Invisible Man I hear a knock at my door "come in" I say, thinking it's my grandma "hey Y/N, how you holding up?" Robert says as he enters my room and sits "hey, I'm trying to be ok" I say as I close my book and sit up "your grandma told me about them being in New York" he says and I nod "yeah, they want to see me this weekend" "Y/N do you want me to come with? You know for emotional support?" He says "no it's fine, I have to do this by myself" I say and he nods "can I sleep over tonight? It's like we haven't had a sleepover in forever" he says as he laughs and I laugh with "of course, and there's some things I need to catch you up on" I say as I get up to get him a cover "alright, let's put some tunes on first" he says as he gets a record.

I didn't sleep at all, I just kept looking at my clock as the time goes by, what are they like now? I mean I haven't seen them in what? 10 years? See this is to sudden I mean better late than never but I thought they wasn't going to ever come back, I mean what's the point? In three years I'm going to be 18 and grown, they practically missed out on my entire life from day one "Y/N why are you up?" Robert says as he stands over me and I jump "what the hell Robert?! You scared the crap out of me" "sorry, I just went to the bathroom and I saw you were still up, I thought you heard me" he says "well obviously I didn't" "go to sleep please, good night" he says "good night" I say as I roll over and hold my pillow till my eyes close.

"Y/N I have a test this Friday and I was wondering can you come over and help me out?" Mary says "um yeah of course, what time?" "Maybe right after school, I can give you a ride" "I can't, I have my bike with me, I will just bike there" I say "ok, don't be late...or forget like late time" she says "I won't, promise" I say and she nods as she comes close to me to whisper something to me "I wish I could kiss you right now" she says as she gets up quickly and smiles at me, I just shake my head and laugh "what was that?! I need answers now Y/N" Gary says as he sits back in his original seat "not now, at lunch" I say and he nods.

"So you two are like girlfriend and girlfriend?" He says in confusion "yep" "how long has this been happening?" "Ever since I got here" I say as a shocked expression comes on his face "that's was two months ago!" He says "keep it down, you have to promise you won't tell anyone" I say "why would I say something and ruin what you two have going on?, and your the only person that really talks to me here so I look at you as a friend and I wouldn't want to ruin that" he says and I smile as he puts his pinky out "pinky promise" he says as we lock pinky's.

I should have known she didn't want to study "Mary don't you have a test this Friday?" I ask as she sits on my lap "I do, I just don't need help with it" she says as she kisses me "you know you could have just told me you want to spend time with me" I say "I know but I don't think you would have came over if I said that" she says "why'd you think that?" "Because you've been distance lately and I don't know if it was something I did" she says as she grabs a hold of her necklace "what? No...it's just....just know it's not you ok?" I say "then what is it Y/N? I'm here to listen" she says and I nod "well you remember when I told you about my parents and them leaving me behind with my grandma?" I say and she nods "well they sent me a letter last week saying that they wanted to come and see me and I didn't take this well so that's why I was "distant" to you all" I say as I feel tears coming.

"Oh Y/N sweetheart I'm sorry if I pushed you to tell me that, and I'm sorry this is happening after all of this time" she says as the tears are nonstop, she hugs me "there in New York and they want me to meet this weekend" "do you want me to come? Just to have your back if anything happens?" She says as she rubs my head "no, I think I got this" I say as we just sit there in each other's embrace "call me soon after ok?" She says and I nod.

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