Juke Joint

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"That's was so boring" Gary says to me as we get out of the last class of the day together "talk about it, want to hangout?" I ask him "sure, I heard about this juke place in town" he says and I was a bit surprised by what he said "wait is it a diner?" "No a juke joint" he says as I put my hand on my head "you sure you want to go?" "Yes of course, now let's go" he says.

We get to the juke joint in town and it was far out, I mean man people were dancing everywhere, people singing the blues and they even had food and drinks "now this is far out" Gary says as he begins to walk away, I think the music got to him because he began to dance, I just laugh as I make my way to the bar "what can I get you baby?" A woman says to me "um just coke is fine" I say "coke coming up" she says as she walks off and I begin to look around.

"You need to get out there and dance" Gary says as he comes over to the bar all sweaty "no I'm fine, I will just be here drinking my coke" I say as I take a sip of my beverage "Y/N what was the point of you asking me to hang out if your not having fun? Let loose" He says, I guess he's right I mean I asked to hang and I'm not letting loose "your right" "I know I'm right, now look over there" he says as he turns my face towards a woman looking at me, her skin was glowing because of the sweat from the humidity in here but her hair was still in tacked, she had one leg bouncing over the other while she had her head propped up on her hands, "she's been looking at you every since we got here" Gary says "really?" "Really" he says as he takes my drink and takes a sip out of it, she must have read Gary's lips because right after he said that she got up and being to walk towards us "she's coming over here" I say as I turn around to avoid staring at her.

"you guys looking at me?" She asks as I stay tuned around "no ma'am, I was just telling my friend here how you've been looking at her ever since we came in" "oh really?" She asks "hey if I'm lying I'm flying" he says as he takes another sip of my coke "miss is that true?" She asks me as she comes between me and Gary to look at me and I just look the other way "is she mute?" She asks Gary "no no no just shy, maybe I should let you two be alone for a bit" he says as he gets up, this is not the greatest moment to be leaving me alone with a woman I don't even know Gary "ok you do that" she says as Gary walks away and she takes his seat by me "you wanna dance suga?" She says as she lays her elbow on the counter "um no thanks, but thank you" I say with a nervous laugh "oh I won't bite" she say as she stands up and starts rubbing my arm "I won't take no for an answer, just one dance" she says, I didn't want to be in the situation any longer "alright, just one" I say as I stand up and she smirks.

She keeps dancing into my crouch area with her back into my front, and I don't want my secret going around a town like this so I stay away as much as possible when she does that "you know" she says as she puts her hand on my face while her back is still to my front but not all the way "I got a scratch" she says "and what are you telling me for?" "Because I need your assistances" she says as she turns around and then kisses me, I push her away before it went any further "II have to go now, thanks for the dance" I say as I begin to get Gary so we can go "let's go, now" I say as pull him away from the bar and out the door.

"Y/N why did you blow that with that fox?" He asks me as we approach the college "because I did, it didn't feel right" I say "are you still hung up on Mary? If so just say that Y/N, I wouldn't have done something like that" "no I'm not it's just...she was too flirtatious" I say "oh right, so you wouldn't mind if I asked Mary out right now?" "Ok watch it Gary" I say to him and he laughs "Y/N stop lying to me, I've known you long enough to know how your feelings" he says "it's not that funny first of all and second of all if you know how I feel why did you leave me alone with that woman?" I asked him as we approach my dorm "the only reason I did was to see what would you do, and you went farther than I expected you to go to be honest" as he laughs "so funny, I'm never doing that again with you" "yeah whatever, give me some skin" he says as we shake hands.

"Hey Y/N" Gloria says to me "hey" "hey some girl left a message for you" she says "Mary" I say "what?" She asks me "nothing, what did she say?" "You lucky they wrote it down for you" she says as she reaches for paper on her nightstand to give to me "just wanted to know if you can help me study tomorrow?, i'm stumped" I read, I have to call her in the morning.

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