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"Should I go with this or this?" "what's the difference? They both look the same" Robert says as I hold up pants and a dress "no they don't, one is pants the other is a dress now which one?" "Why are you stressing so much? I mean it's just a dinner" "yeah with my principal and his family" "and his bitch of daughter?" "That's his family right? And my grandma is here so stop" "sorry" he says as he covers his mouth "I'm just going to go with the pants" "so what time is the dinner?" "Um 7" "why are you getting ready so early? you have a hour?" "I just want to be prepared" "well I got to go, my pops have me work down at the shop today" "ok later alligator" "after a while crocodile" he says as he leaves.

"Hi you must be Doris?" "Yes and this is my granddaughter Y/N" "hi I'm Mrs. Washington but you can call me Susan, but come in" she says as we enter the massive house "this is a lovely home you have Susan" "oh thank you, at first it was a bit of a fixer upper but I got it together, would you like a tour?" "Yes I would, Y/N would you be ok down here?" "Yes of course grandma" I say as they begin the tour "Y/N is that you?" I hear a man's voice say "yes?" "When did you get here?" "Just a few minutes ago" "oh well Susan's not done with dinner yet so make your self at home" "oh thank you but where's your restroom?" "Oh when you go upstairs and go down the hallway it's on the right" "thank you" I say as I begin going upstairs.

I'm upstairs and I wondered where was Mary? She didn't greet us or anything but it didn't matter "finally" I say as I walked to the toilet, "loveee..love is strange...lot of-ahhh" "ahhh" "you have a-" "get out!!!" I say as I pull up my pants. I walk down the stairs to hear everyone laughing "oh Y/N, glad you can finally join us, sit" Mr. Washington says, as I sit in a empty sit "where is Mary?" "I don't know, Mary dear it's time for dinner" Susan says and I hear footsteps, I gulped kind of loudly as she sits directly by me "what where you doing?" "Just freshen up for our guest" she says as I feel her eyes on me "oh, so Y/N how's is it? Begin at Mount Washington?" "It's great just I had to leave my friends behind in Harlem" I say as I pick up my fork "well it's for the greater good of your education" "I was telling her the same thing that this is a wonderful opportunity" "Doris always knows what's right, Doris do yo remember when-" I tuned everyone out and just began thinking the worst, did she see it, obviously she did that's why she screamed, what if she tells the entire school?! I'm done for "Y/N?" "Yes" "would you like mashed potatoes?" Susan asks me "yes please" "give this to Y/N" great.

As she gives me the bowl we accidentally touch hands but she pulls away quickly, almost making me drop the bowl, I put the munched potato on to my plate and continue eating, "it was wonderful having you two over" "it's a pleasure" my grandma says as I still zone out "it was great seeing you again Doris" Mr. Washington says as I snap out of it and look around, my eyes stopped on Mary but she was already looking at me, I couldn't describe the look on her face, it was hard to read but you still knew something was up with her.

"Robert!" I yell as I throw pebbles at his window "Robert!" "What are you doing throwing pebbles at my window you nincompoop?!" "Can you come out?" "Yeah one second" he says as he closes his window, "ok now what's so important that you had to throw pebbles at my window?" He says as I stop my pacing "she saw it" "who saw what?" "I I was in the bathroom annd she came in and and saw it" "wait slow down, what happened?" "Well the dinner I told you Mr. Washington invited us to" "yes" "well when we got there I had to go really bad so I went and I didn't lock the door so Mary came in singing and then she screamed then I screamed and then I told her to get out" "oh shit" he says as he laughs "what's funny? You think this is funny?! She could tell the whole school then I'll be a laughing stock just like all the rest of my life" I say as I sit on his stoop "look Y/N at school tomorrow ask her what did she see and if she says she nothing your in the clear" "and if she did?" "Well you knock her out" "come on, can you stop joking for a second?" "ok ok, just try to bribe her with something" "bribe her?" "Yes bribe her, so she can keep her mouth shut" "I don't know" "look you don't have to take my advice it's just that's the only good advice I have, now get up" he says as he's pulls me up "and go home and get some sleep, and stop thinking about it so much...I mean it's not the end of the world" "yeah my world" I say as I walk home.

"Hey can I talk to you for a second?" I say as I cut in front of Mary at lunch "I don't want to talk to you so no" "please it won't take long, we have to talk about last night" "no we don't so leave me alone" she says as she walks pass me "hey is this dunderhead giving you problems Mary?" Jeff says as he walks up "no she just trying to get notes for class" "you need to leave her alone" "look you cab this doesn't concern you" "it concerns me if your talking to my girlfriend" "look Jeff just back off , and I'm not your girlfriend" "well th-" "please go" she says to him so he leaves, but not with out giving me a dirty look "meet me at my house after school" "ok" I say as she walks to her table.

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