Sleep Over

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I get done changing for bed so I step out to see Mary getting her bed ready "right or left?" "Excuse me?" "Do you want to sleep on the right side or the left side?" She says as she stops and looks at me "right?" "Ok" she says as gets into bed and rolls to the left side of the bed "come on I won't bite" she says as she pats the bed and I go over to the bed as I start to get under the sheets, "your laying like your going into a casket" she says as I look at my laying position, and it dose look like I'm ready for my casket "I'm fine" "no your not, let me help you" she says as she picks up my arm and puts it around her as she comes into my side "see that's a lot more better isn't it?" "Yeah, great" I say as I try to get comfortable but it's so hard to "just relax, it's not that bad" she says and I take her advice to try and calm down and it works.

"So um earlier I saw a picture of you and a older man that looks to be 70, who is that? Since I told you a lot about my younger years" "that's my grandfather, he was like a other dad to me I mean he gave and did everything for me, I loved him so much That words can't even express it" she says as her voice starts to shake and I feel drops of water on me "oh don't cry, you don't have to finish talking about if you don't want to" "no, I want to, he died when I when I was ten years old....and a day after Christmas" she says as I rub her shoulder to give her some comfort "he give me this necklace before he died" she says as she gets up to show me the necklace "I will cherish it till we meet again" she says as she begins to cry more so I pull her right back into a hug, here I am laying in a bed with a girl I just met a week ago, the one I called a bitch a square now she's kissing me, hugging me and doing other things to me that I can't say, and I think I'm growing feels, I know this is crazy and it's only been a week but things are moving fast and I don't even know what this is, I can't fell for her because at the end of the day she's still a bitch to me, she embraces me in front of everyone, having me do her homework so she can keep my secret safe, it's just all crazy.

I look down to see Mary asleep "she must have cried her self to sleep" I say as I kiss her head, I begin to drift off to sleep too. "Y/N" Mary says as she stops me "thank you" "for what?" "for talking and listening to me, I really needed that" she says as she hugs me and I hug her back "no problem" I say as we go downstairs to head to school. "Did I just see you getting out of the car with Mary?!" Gary says "yup" "what? How?" He says as we walk into the school "it's a long story that I don't feel like talking about today, so maybe next time?" "Next time? There is no next time it's now or never Y/N" he says and I laugh as we enter our classroom.

I'm sitting at our lunch table watching Jeff try to stick his tongue down Mary's throat and it's making my blood boil "So have you seen the tarantula yet?" "No not yet, haven't had the time" I say as I focus on my food "what, I thought you said you where going to watch it?" "I planned to but I got busy with school work" "you know you should come over my house and see it" "how? You don't have a movie theater in your house" "I actually do, well it's a small cinema that my father built" he says as he eats his sandwich "why didn't you tell me that before?!" "You didn't ask, so do you want to come over this Friday?" "of course I do" I say "alright, be there or be square" he says as he laughs and I guess it was kind of funny so I let out a chuckle "so right after school?" "Probably not right after school because I have something to do" I say as I completely forgot about helping Mary "well ok just be over when you get done" "alright, oh can I bring a friend?" "sure, the more the merrier" "he's going to be so excited" I say.

"What are you doing in my room?" I ask Robert as he stops dancing "well I was waiting for you, it's like every since you've been going to Mount Washington and doing Mary's homework it's like you forgot all about, we've missed our movie Fridays-" "speaking of our movie Fridays" "I'm not finished yet, we've haven't hanged out in I don't know how long like when am I going to get my best friend back?" He says "I'm sorry Robert for not sending time with you and missing our movie Fridays but I can make it up" "how? Please tell me how Y/N?" "Well I made a new friend at Mount Washington and he has a in house movie theater and he asked me if I wanted to come over and see the movie we've been dying to see" "Tarantula?" I nod my head yes as a big smile comes to his face but soon drops "he only invited you so why are you telling me this? To rub it in my face?" "What? no he said I can bring a friend so I'm bringing" "Mary right?" "Robert let me finish, the friend is you" "see I knew it-wait me?" He says "yes" "I guess I forgive" he says.

"How far is his house again?" Robert says "just right around the corner" I say as we turn the corner and m to be met with Gary waving "hey Gary" I say as we get off our bikes "hey pals, who's this?" He says as he refers to Robert "oh this is my best friend Robert, Robert this Gary Miller" I say as they shake hands "so where's this movie theater?" "Oh it's in my garage, follow me" he says as we walk behind him.

"Wooow, this is nice" I say as we enter the garage, it had a popcorn machine and a candy bar "tickets please" a man walks up to us and say "it's my father, he wanted to make a good impression for my friends" he says in a whisper and we nod our heads "here" he says as he gives us tickets to give to the "ticket taker" "enjoy" he say as he walks out the garage and closes it behind him "let's sit the movies starting soon" he says.

As we where watching the movie I fault like I was forgetting something but don't know what "beautiful" Robert says as he starts to clap and I see the the movie was over so I clap as well "you guys want to watch another? My father's fine with it" he says to us but we have two different answers "no I think-" "of course-" we say as we look at each other "can I talk to you Robert?" I ask as I drag him outside "what's the big idea? He has a movie theater in his house?! Like how crazy is that!" "That's great and all but we still have school in the morning, and we already have to bike home" I say "yeah I guess your right, can we come back on the weekend?" He says "I will see now let's go" I say as we enter back in the garage.

"so what are you guys feeling? Three Came Home or Gun Crazy?" "Actually Gary where going to be heading home now" I say "oh that's to bad, we'll see you tomorrow Y/N, oh and nice meeting you Robert" he says "let me see you guys off" he says as we walk out of his garage. "It feels like I'm forgetting something?" I say to Robert as we walk with our bikes to our block "it's probably just a test your forgetting to study for, not a big deal" he says but I nod my head no "I don't have a test till next Friday" I say as I think "well I don't know" he says as we stop in front of my stoop "well good night" he says with a yarn "night" I say as I continued walking home.

"Y/N Mary called saying you two were supposed to be studying but she said you didn't come over?" my grandma says to me and I finally remembered, I was suppose to help her study for next week "she didn't sound to happy, why didn't you help her study?" "I forgot" I say as I enter the living room to sit on the couch by my grandma "well call her when you get the time, to reschedule" she says but I didn't respond, before I knew it I was asleep.

Y'all got any suggestions?

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