First Day

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It's the first official day at Washington Hights and I'm scared "ok grandma love you" "grandma loves you too" I say as I begin my ride to Mont Washington. As I enter the Hights I get a lot of looks, like this group of man I road by, they just started laughing but I didn't think anything of it.

"Do you know.....excuse me, do you-" I say as I try to ask for directions but they all ignore me "do you need help?" "Um yes I do, I need help on finding Miss Moore Biological, class" "Oh that's my next class, just follow me" the blonde says and I do "I'm Y/N Y/L/N" "Gary Miller" he says as he puts his hand out to shake and I do "so is this you first day?" "Yeah just enrolled last week" "you must be really smart because I've seen a never seen a black person at this school, no offense" "none taken" "what's your gpa?" "I think a 4.0?" "holy crap!" He says as we stop "what's wrong?" "You have a 4.0 gpa?" "Yes" "how? I only have a 3.5" he says as we enter the class.

"ok class settle down now, the bell has rung" the teacher says as she enters "well class we have a new student, Y/N would you like to introduce yourself?" "No thank you" "no I insist you do" she says as I get up "go on" "um my name is Y/N and I-" "Dunderhead" someone says and the class begins to laugh "who said?" She says as the class continues to laugh "quiet!" She says as she slams her hands on her desk, the class gets quiet "finish" she says and I nod "my name is Y/N, and I'm from Harlem and I like to read" I say as I sit back in my seat "thank you for sharing that with us" the teacher says as she gets up to write on the board "today class we will be learning about proportion and variation" "hey you did good" "thanks" I say in a whisper to Gary.

As I'm watching the lesson I feel someone looking at me so I look around to see Mary I think was her name looking back at me, so I wave but she turns around rolling her eyes "how do you know Mary Washington?" "I don't she just gave me a tour last week" "oh well try to stay away from her" "why?" "Because she's the queen bee and we can't hang around her" "who says?" "Them" he says as he points to a group of jocks "one time when I was giving her her homework Jeff Anderson took me by my collar and dump me in a trash can head first" he says "Y/N and Grey, is there something you want to say to the class?" Miss. Moore says as everyone looks back at us " no ma'am" we say in sync "alright then pay attention" she says as she gets back to teaching.

"That's the jock's and the paper shakers table" he says as he points to the table full of meat heads jocks and up tight white cheerleaders "there's the greaser's" he says as he points to a table full of leather jacket, greasy head white kids "and those are the squares" he says as I look to see Mary over there with Jeff's arm around her "and this is our table" he says as he puts his lunch tray down.

"And what's this table?" " for the highly intelligent" "what's up nerds?" Jeff says as he grabs our shoulders "oh hi Jeff" "So who's this pipsqueak? A new nerd buddy or is it just your nigga friend?" "you best cool down on the name calling and that word" "what? Nigga? And what are you going to do if I don't?" He says "Jeff leave them alone" Mary says "whatever, l will be seeing you around, let's go Mary" he says as he grabs her "are you ok?" "Yeah why wouldn't I be?" "Well it's just because no one has really stood up to Jeff before" he says as I sit down and begin eating.

"Ok lady's today where going to be playing dodgeball, Washington and Morales I will have you two as team captains"  Miss. Cook says as the girls begin to pick who they want on there teams, "Rose" the girl says as rose runs over "looks like you got the negro" I over hear the girl says as her team huddles up "come on" she says and I run over.

I stand in the back of Mary while a girl on our team survives, she hits it to the other team where a on going game of hitting the ball begins, the ball finally comes to me "hit it!" I hear my teammates shout but it was to late, the ball ends up hitting me in my nose and my nose begins to bleed "timeout!, you ok?" "I don't think so" "ok Mary take your teammate to the the nurse" "but why do-" "no buts just go" she says as she helps me up "ok" she says as she grabs my waist and I put my arm on her shoulder.

"Why didn't you hit the ball?" "I tried but it was too late" "well pay attention because that was embarrassing" "you weren't the one that got hit" I says as she pushes me into the chair "just shut up" she says as she walks into the nurses office, "and done, try not to put to much pressure on it" "ok" I say and the nurse begins to leave "thank you" "for what?" "for bringing me to the nurse" "I didn't have a choice but trust me if I did you would be here alone" she says as she gets up and leaves.

I walk in to see my grandma and Mr. Washington having coffee "Mr.Washington?" "You came just in time Y/N" he says "yes Mr.Washington here was just about to leave" "but before I leave I wanted to tell you that I invited you and your grandmother over for dinner" "really?" "Yes really so I want you to put on your best, ok?" "Yes Mr.Washington" I say as he pats my head and begins to leave "so when's the dinner?" "This Friday" she says and I nod as I make it up the stairs "your dinner's getting cold" she says "be back down" I say as I make it to the top of the stairs and enter my room.

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