Idfc(sad one shot)

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Plot:what the title says!

warning:there is no smut in this one shot(this is also a short one)

You were laying in your bed,about to go to sleep when you heard the front door open. Colson hasn't came home in days,and you barely heard from him. You had hope he was coming back,you just didn't know when. "It's about time you came home." You said as he walked into the bedroom. "Oh come on,I don't need you giving me shit too." He said,taking his hoodie off of his body.

"What have you been doing for the past,I don't know,six days?"You asked,sitting up and leaning against the bed frame. "I don't know,maybe my fucking job? You do realize I work,right?" He said. "I do realize that,I also realize that you have a girlfriend who's been waiting up for hours for days for you to come home." You responded.

"I never asked you to wait for me." He said. "Oh i'm sorry,I just assumed that's what my boyfriend would want me to do." You said. "Whatever,i'm going to bed. We can fight tomorrow." He said. You shook your head. "Actually,I can just leave." You said. "Knock your shit off,you wouldn't do that y/n. We fight all the time,it doesn't change anything."

"It's changing something now. You're never home,you never even touch me and barely even look at me anymore,and when you finally do show up after days you just act like we aren't even together." You said back to him. He shook his head with a sigh, "I don't know what you want from me." He answered. "I just want love Colson that's all I ever asked you for." You replied.

"I can't give you everything,I tried." He said. You let out a sigh then got up off the bed. "Where are you going?" He asked you. "I just need to take a break,i'm going outside." You said. "We aren't going to talk about this?" He asked. You shook your head, "maybe when I come back inside,I just need to cool down." You explained,leaving the room and walking out onto the porch.

You sat down in one of the chairs,taking a deep breath. You sat there alone for a few minutes until Colson came outside and stood in front of you. "Yeah?" You asked,looking up at him. "Can we talk,I have to tell you something." He said,fidgeting with his hands. You nodded, "go ahead i'm listening." You replied.

You moved to the side to let him sit next to you,but he didn't move. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." He started. "You're scaring me,just tell me." You replied. "I lost feelings."he told you. As soon as those words left his mouth,your heart felt like it dropped to your stomach. "Oh." was all you could say.

"I'm sorry,I don't know what happened." He said. "Okay." You said,getting up. "I'll pack now,i'll leave tomorrow." You said. "Fuck." He sighed as you walked back into the house. Tears almost came out of your eyes as you shoved your clothes into a duffle bag. Your breath started to get unsteady and it was getting harder not to let the tears come out.

Memories of him once treating you like you were all he could ever want came into your mind. You wanted to fix it,but you both already emotionally checked out. You were packing the rest of your clothes when he walked into the bedroom. You both stayed silent as you zipped up the bag. "I'll sleep on the couch tonight." You broke the silence.

He nodded in response as you walked out of the room and went into the living room,leaving the bag in the room. You laid down on the couch,your hands on your chest. Tears rushed down your face as you tried to keep quiet so he wouldn't know. You heard the bedroom door shut as you turned on your side,trying your best to distract yourself and fall asleep.
(Next day)

You woke up on the couch to the sounds of Colson walking around in the kitchen. You sat up,your eyes adjusting to the light. Neither of you spoke to each other. You got up and went straight to the room,getting your bags then setting them on the couch. "So uhm,I guess I should get going." You said. He sighed, "yeah." You were about to walk away when you heard his voice again."Y/n." He spoke. "Yeah?" You responded. "I'm sorry I couldn't fix us."

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