Master of the Mountain: Chapter 5 - The Queen of the Munce

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Ever since Nya, Lloyd, Jay and Katarina have entered the tunnel with the Munce tribe, Katarina had been working on keeping her distance from Lloyd and was keen with staying beside the Munce, who were carrying crystal torches to light the way. 

She wished Keres was with her right now to keep her occupied and her mind off things. But Keres wasn't with her right now, instead probably in the hands of the Skull Sorcerer. She should've gone back for Keres when she had the chance. 

"I wonder what happened to the others." Lloyd says worriedly. 

"Yeah, I hope they're safe." Nya says. 

"Or they've probably already been captured by the Skull Sorcerer and his men, and are being tortured unless they tell the Skull Sorcerer our whereabouts," Katarina says coldly and in a despondent voice. "We'll be lucky if they come out of that alive."

"Why do you have to be so pessimistic? Who knows, are friends are probably safe by now, away from the Skull Sorcerer." Lloyd says. Katarina just shrugs. 

"Just not feeling any optimistic today, because of, I don't know, what you said to me earlier today," She says with a tinge of anger in her voice. "Just a thought."

"Sis-" He starts, but she cuts him off. 

"Don't sis me, okay?" She clenches her fists in anger. "I was never your sister to begin with. So save me your lies, and let's just get this over with."

He sighs, deciding to take her words and save it. "I guess, for now, we'll have to follow these guys wherever they're going." He says to Nya and Jay. 

"The others will be okay. Don't worry." Jay assures them.

"I hope so." Lloyd says worriedly.  Suddenly, the Munce stop in their tracks. They were all at a fork in the road. There were two tunnels, and they didn't know which one to take. 

"Everything okay? Why'd we stop?" Lloyd asks Murt. 

"Murt not remember the way." Murt says nervously. 

"What? I thought you knew these tunnels like the back of your hand!" Jay yells at Murt, who looks at the back of his hand, which causes Jay to groan. 

"Easy, Sparky, it's not his fault. He and the others, along with the Geckle, have been trapped in those mines for who knows how long. Have patience. We'll help Murt and his friends find the way back." Katarina says to Jay, and puts a hand on Murt's shoulder. Murt smiles kindly at her. 

"Is one of these. Either this way, or this way, or this way." Murt explains to the others. Nya nods, and kneels down to look at the dirt. 

Lloyd sighs. "Yeah, um, we figured it was one of them, Murt, but we kinda need to know which one." Katarina rolls her eyes at Lloyd. 

"Lloyd, can you not?"

"How about this way?" Lloyd groans when Murt points to the tunnel behind them. 

"That's the way we just came."

"Oh, great! Now we're gonna get lost down here, we're never gonna see the sun again, we're all gonna -" Nya cuts Jay's rambling and runting off, and points to the tunnel on the left. 

"It's this way, guys!" Everyone else begins to crowd around her. 

"How do you know?" Jay asks her. She lights the dirt with a crystal torch, and showed the footprints in the dirt. 

"I can see footprints in the dirt." 

"Great work, Nya!" Katarina pats Nya's back lightly. She looks towards the Munce. "See, I told you we'll help you find the way back."

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