SOFS: Fire Chapter 4 - Ancient History

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The Ninja move the rubble and debris out of the way, until they were able to clear an opening for them to escape through. Lloyd points the way out. "That way!" He kicks down the remaining rubble to clear a better path. They run throught the museum and race towards the entrace. "Come on!"

Once they got out, they see that Pyro Vipers were rampaging throughout the city, destroying everything in their path. A giant fire cobra with Aspheera on was slowly slithering through the city streets. 

"We gotta stop that thing!" Lloyd takes a step and was about to run, when Zane stops him. 

"Wait, Lloyd. Aspheera has beaten us twice. And with the scroll she is more powerful than ever."

"We can't just give up." Lloyd argues. 

"I am not proposing that," Zane says. "But Master Wu taught us to think before we rush into battle. We need to know more about her and this...'deceiver.' Perhaps then we will find a way to defeat her." 

"You're talking ancient Serpentine history." Kai points out. 

"Yeah. Who do you plan to ask?" Cole asks. 

"What about Skales?" Jay suggests to his friends. "Well, he's Serpentine. Maybe he knows."

"The Serpentine don't usually get involved." Nya points out. 

"Only one way to find out." Katarina says. 

Lloyd nods. "Okay. Jay, Cole, and Kai, you guys track down Skales. Find out what you can."

"Well, what are you gonna do?" Kai asks Lloyd. 

"We're gonna see if we can slow Aspheera down. Get that scroll back. Come on!" The Ninja nod and follow down the steps.

Kai, Cole and Jay jump into the sewers. Jay brings out a flashlight and shines it into the tunnels. He crinkles his nose at the stench. "Why does Skales have to live in a sewer? Does the smell bother him? It smells like Cole's socks."

Cole lets out an offended gasp as they all walk down the tunnels. Kai snickers. "Hey!" 

They walk for a few minutes before coming up to three tunnel entrances, each with Serpentine writing on top of the entrances. They were in different colors too, and had a grafitti style to it. "Aw, great. I don't suppose either of you know how to read Serpentine."

"Nope." Kai says, popping the p for emphasis. 

"Not me." Jay adds. 

Cole groans again. "Aw, we should have brought Zane or Katarina."

"Well we might as well flip a coin." Kai shrugs. 

"Oh, what's the difference. Which tunnel was it again?" Jay wonders aloud. 

"I say we go back and—" Just as Cole turns around, he screams. A sharp blade was held threateningly at him. Three Hypnobrai, each carrying a bladed weapon, stares down at the Ninja. The Hypnobrai in the middle hisses. 

Lloyd, Nya, Katarina and Zane run down the streets as distressed citizens pass them by. There was fire near the buildings and on the streets, and the occassional Pryo Viper passes them by. "They must be headed for the south side of the city." Zane reports. 

"But why? There's nothing there." Nya says. She, Katarina, Zane and Lloyd jump on top of a car, before continuing their pursuit down the streets. 

"But why? There's nothing there." Zane says. 

Lloyd nods. "Zane. Can you find us a shortcut? So we can get ahead of her?"

"Cross referencing alternative routes," On the screen inside his head, he was pinpointing the best alternative route that they can use to catch up to Aspheera. A moment later, he found one. "I have plotted the fastest route. This way."

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