Master of the Mountain: Chapter 1 - Shintaro

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If I treat people kindly, they call me Katarina.

And if I put them in their place, they call me a monster.

But one thing you'll never hear them call me is human.

They all seem to agree that I'm fundamentally different from them.

He seems to agree that I'm fundamentally different.

And oddly enough...

I agree with him, too.

- Katarina Garmadon.

Two weeks after their adventure in Prime Empire, and getting NPCs like Okino and Racer 7, and long-time player Scott  adjusted in Ninjago City, the Ninja decided the Monastery was a little...overdue for some cleaning.

Lloyd opens the doors with his elbows, carrying a full, heavy laundry basket in his hands. He looked annoyed. "Are you seriously playing video games right now?"

Cole was sitting on the couch, wearing his soda guzzler hat and his thumbs were pressing the buttons on a game controller. "It's my day off. Why wouldn't I be playing video games?"

Lloyd sighs. "We've been gone for weeks, Cole, and this monastery won't clean itself! We've got laundry to do, leaves to rake, firewood to chop, and don't even get me started on repairing the sentry cannons outside the wall."

Cole groans. "That sounds like a lot of work," He offers another controller to Lloyd. "Sure you don't wanna play?"

"Did you just hear me?!" Lloyd walks into the filthy relaxation room that was cluttered with pizza boxes, candy wrappers and empty soda cans. "Cole, we've got a ton to do and -" His eyes were drawn to the TV screen. "Wait. What game is this?"

"Prime Empire."

"WHAT?!" Lloyd exclaims.

"What what? What's wrong?" Cole asks.

Lloyd rolls his eyes. "Oh, nothing. Except we were just trapped in that game and got cubed!" He reminds Cole. The chicken sitting, who was wearing a similar hat to Cole's, clucks and sips its straw.

"You need to let go of the past, Lloyd. Anyway, it's totally safe. Unagami and Dyer worked out the kinks and it's really fun. Look, I gotta concentrate. Just about to beat this level."

Lloyd takes a long look at the screen and sighs. He tosses the laundry basket onto the floor and hops onto the couch. He grabs the second controller and starts playing the game.

"I guess one game wouldn't hurt."

Katarina groans when Keres persistently kept her arms wrapped around Katarina's waist. She was on her way to Master Wu's room, because Jay and Nya noticed something peculiar about his behavior, and she wanted to know why. Keres, however, wasn't keen on letting her.

"Keres, let go," She sighs. "I need to talk to Wu. This is important."

"Not until you tell me why you've been asking weird." Keres says. Katarina laughs it off.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Yin. I've been acting how I've always been. Nothing weird about that." Keres puts on a deadpan expression at her response.

"Riiiight," She tightens her grip around Katarina's waist, earning another slight groan from her Yang. "That's exactly what a person who has been acting off would say. Don't act like I don't know your behavior, Yang, because I've been in your head for decades to know how you act."

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