Hunted: Chapter 6 - Two Lies, One Truth

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Nya opens the door to a small, one story house Mystake, Lloyd, Skylor and Dareth had found. She quickly but quietly closes the door, checking behind her to see if she was followed. "It's chaos out there. But we're safe for now."

Lloyd pushes his bowl of noodles aside. "All right. We've all had our fill. Now, are you gonna tell us how you turned into a rat?"

Mystake takes a sip of her tea. "Ahh. The rat is easy! How about this?" With a wave of her hands, her face slowly shapeshifts into Wu's. Dareth, Nya and Skylor drew in a sharp gasp.

Mystake, however, laughs. "Not too shabby for an old woman." With another wave of her hands, she shapeshifts her face back to normal."

"You're an Oni!" Lloyd says with wide eyes.

"But we were told that Oni are dangerous and all they want to do is destroy!" Dareth points out.

Mystake nods. "We are. You don't want me on your bad side." She finishes with narrowing eyes.

"How did you get here? When—?"

Lloyd cuts Nya off. "During the time of legend. When she crossed over in pursuit of the First Spinjitzu Master. When he fled the Realm of Oni and Dragon."

Mystake nods approvingly. "You listen well, Master Garmadon. Since your grandfather was born of both worlds, our mission was to follow him into this realm and turn him to our side! Or destroy him. But he wouldn't serve. And I fell in love with this world he created. My fellow Oni wanted to complete our mission, but I turned on them, and I have helped the First Spinjitzu Master ever since. Did you ever wonder how Master Wu and Garmadon have lived so long? It is our Oni blood."

"How have you kept this secret for so long?" Skylor wonders aloud.

"Transformation is a powerful ability."

"But if I'm part Oni, why can't I do that?" Lloyd asks Mystake.

"Transform? You've been doing it all your life! From a bratty child to the destined Green Ninja and now to our great leader of the Resistance. But to endure your father, you must transform again." Mystake explains.

"Into what?"

She puts a hand on his shoulder. "There is but one final step for you, young Master. Have faith. You will figure it out."

In Kryptarium, the trapped citizens from Ultra Violet's TV show and the members of the Resistance were keeping themselves busy, Turner was speeding around in his cell, Karlof was doing push-ups, and Ronin was whistling.

"I sure hope your son figures this out." Ronin says to Misako, who was sharing a cell with him.

"He will."

He scoffs. "Easy for you to say. You're his mother."

"Is she, though?"

Everyone stops what they were doing as they turn their attention to the demonic voice. Keres steps out of the shadows of the prison as her eyes glowed menacingly for a moment until she steps out into the light. "She can't call herself a mother, Ronin. She's never even been a part of Lloyd's life. She's not worthy of that title."

"I have been there for him." Misako says firmly.

Keres snaps her fingers, showing a small projection of Lloyd's memories of when he became older to Misako.

"I don't remember my mother. She abandoned me when I was really young." Lloyd says to Zane, Jay, Kai and Cole.

"She just left? Who took care of you?" Kai asks him.

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