Sons Of Garmadon: Chapter 1- The Mask of Deception

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"Katarina, Master Lloyd requires your presence at Borg Tower."

Katarina was walking down the street, thinking to herself. Today was the one year anniversary of Wu's disappearance into the time stream. One year since he stayed behind to defeat the Time Twins.

One year since they weren't able to find him.

"Katarina? Did you hear me?"

She startled. She hadn't realized Pixal was talking to her until now.

"Sorry Pix. Lost in my thoughts."

"That's understandable. It has been a year since-"

"Wu's disappearance. I know, Pix." She sighs. She didn't want to think about it right now. "I'll be there right away." She looks around. She was far from Borg Tower.

"Might take a while, though."

Lloyd opens the door to the room Borg had reserved for him and his friends. His blonde hair was a little longer, just reaching his chin, and his eyes were green instead of their brown-black color.

He smiles when he saw his family. Nya and Jay were laughing and giggling with each other lovingly, and Zane and Cole were playfully hitting each other. Kai was by himself, smiling fondly at Jay and Nya.

He walks in the room. His friends perk up upon his arrival. Kai grinned and runs over to the Green Ninja.

"Hey, there he is." Kai and Lloyd exchange a fist bump. "You're late."

Lloyd chuckles. Zane walks over and says, "Kai was late too, if it is any consolation."

"Thanks for meeting me here. It's been a while since we've all been under one roof." Lloyd said, in a deeper voice.

He stops talking, his eyes quickly scanning the room. He frowned. Wasn't Katarina suppose to be here?

Nya giggles to herself, and Cole nudges Jay with a knowing glance. "What?"

"Are we gonna talk about it?" Jay says.

Lloyd raises his eyebrow. "Talk about what?"

"Your voice, it's..." Cole puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully.

Zane clears his throat, and his voice changes to a deeper tone. "Lower."

Lloyd frowns once again. Someone comes up behind him and tussles his hair gently.

"Sounds like my little brother's not so little anymore." She laughs.

Lloyd looks beside him, expecting the person tussling his hair to be Kai. But his face brightens when it turned out to be his sister.

"Hey sis." He greets her with a grin. She hugs him with one arm while ruffling his hair with the other.

"Leave him alone." Nya tells everyone. Then she playfully sighes. "Any word from your mother?"

Lloyd shook his head and walkes further in the room. "Not since she went searching for Master Wu. I don't know where she is."

"She'll come back, Lloyd. And so will Wu." Cole assures him.

Lloyd gets out his BorgPad and turns around to face his family. "Not everyone comes back, Cole. But that isn't why I called you here. I called you because of this."

He taps the screen and turned it around for everyone to see. Everyone's eyes widen.

Katarina gasped. "Is that Lord Garmadon?!"

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