Prime Empire: Chapter 10 - Racer 7

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Scott pulls the tarp back on one of the vehicles in his garage. It was rusted and broken, all right. "Yeah, she doesn't look like much. But trust me, she's fast."

"Who's car is this, yours?" Cole asks Scott. He shakes his head. 

"No. I don't race." 

"Why not?" Kai asks. 

Scott lets out a huff. He was getting tired of these questions of why he refused to race in the Speedway Five Billion. "Look, you want it or not? This, plus the other three, plus my car, that's five vehicles. That gets you in the race."

Jay looked skeptical, mainly because of the damaged vehicles "Nah, I don't know. This needs a lot of work. You think we can fix it up in time?

Nya, who was examining the damaged vehicles, sighs. "New engine, transmission, brakes, shocks, wheels, timing belt, windshield..."

Scott nods at her observations. "Yeah, it's in bad shape, but it's the best I got. She did pretty well, until the last race."

"What happened in the last race?" Lloyd asks him. 

"Driver got cubed, made a reckless move," Scott explains. Then he huffs again. "Wanna know why I don't drive? That's why. I've only got one life left, and I value it. I'm not risking it for anything or anyone."

"Some things are worth fighting for, Scott." Jay says. 

"Yeah, yeah. You guys can be heroes if you want, not me." Scott walks away, leaving the Ninja alone. Jay sighs, and turns to his friends. 

"He's been stuck in this game a long time. Too long." Katarina's eyebrows furrow in sadness for her old friend. She sighs and crosses her arms. 

"I can imagine. Being stuck in the same place for thirty years can do that to a person," She says. Jay raises an eyebrow in curiousity. 

"You know how long he's been here, too?"

She nods in reply. "Yeah, I do," She lets out a sigh. "Because I'm his friend. Or should I say, an old friend."

The Ninja widen their eyes. She leans against the farthest wall with her arms still crossed. "It all started thirty years ago..."

Katarina laughs at a joke that Scott tells her once they enter his apartment home. It was an apartment complex a few doors down from hers, and they had befriended each other from the moment he met. 

They sit down on his couch. He gets out an envelope and shows it to her. "Look what I just got in the mail." 

Her eyes lighten up and she smiles, curious what he got. "Oh, do tell." 

He carefully opens the envelope and hands her the letter he had read the day before. She reads it, and her eyes lighten up some more. "This is great news, Scott!"

He chuckles. "I know...but I don't know if I should go."

"Are you kidding? Of course, you should," She waves the letter around. "This is a great opportunity for you, Scott. Take it!"

"You really think so? I mean, if I do go, then that means I get to test Milton Dyer's biggest project yet."

"Exactly why you should go," She hands him back the letter. "Like I said, this is a great opportunity for you. Getting to help the Milton Dyer out by playing his biggest game yet, which has yet to be released. Go ahead, take your chance, before some inexperienced gamer does."

Scott looks down at the letter, then back at her. He smiles. "Okay...I'll take it." Katarina squeals and hugs him. 

"I'm so proud of you, Scott! This is gonna be the greatest thing that's ever happened to you. You won't regret it."

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