Prime Empire: Chapter 6 - The Glitch

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A/N: I'm alive, I promise. I finally have free time to go back to this project! School has been kicking my ass lately, but I kicked its ass back harder. Also, I'm on winter break for two weeks now, so expect more frequent updates. :D


Hai (Japanese) : Yes.

So true to his word, Scott and Jay helped the Ninja train and gain enough skills that were hopefully enough to get the First Keytana. The Ninja even got digital versions of their weapons and customized their avatars to digital versions of their gis, complete with white shoulder pads, kneepads, and chest armor strapped to the front of their chests.

The only person to not be wearing both shoulder pads was Katarina, who wanted to keep one shoulder pad on her right shoulder. Her gi design was similar to Lloyd's as usual, and the majority of everyone's gi's were a lighter color - Which she didn't like, since she prefers darker colors and black any day.

Scott wished them luck as they went on their way to the first cabinet that led into Terra Kerana. Kai was the first to go through the arcade cabinet. " I still don't get how you got that  to do everything you say."

Jay hops through and slides in front of Kai. " Uh. The League of Jays aren't nutjobs. They're fans. And they're awesome!"

The rest of the Ninja go through the cabinet. "Just 'cause they're fans doesn't mean they're not nutjobs." Cole points out.

Jay scoffs. "Oh, you're just jealous because—!"

Nya goes between Cole and Jay. "Can we focus for a second on the reason we're here? To get one of the three keys we need to unlock the final arcade cabinet and get into Unagami's temple?" She reminds them.

Kai nods. "Right. What were they called again? The... the key things?"

"The Keytana." The Ninja whip around to hear another voice, which sounded worn out and tired. The man before them appears from behind a tree; He had a small beard and mustache, and looked to be in his mid-forties or early fifties. He had small bags under his eyes, and his hair was fashioned into a high ponytail. He was wearing a white kimono with a white shirt underneathe, and black pants with grey slippers. 

"Oh. Hi." Nya says. She and the Ninja remove their digital hoods, revealing their faces to him. She steps forward. "Who are you?"

"I am terrible. I was a guide. It was my duty to lead adventurers such as yourself through this land." The man says. 

Jay raises an eyebrow. "Uh, it's not anymore?"

"I have failed too many masters," The man looks at the swords blade-down in the sand. "To my endless shame."

The Ninja look at each other, and nod. "Well, we would be honored to have your help, humble samurai." Katarina offers. 

"Yeah, because we really have no clue what we're doing. I mean, like none." Kai says with agreement. 

"Don't worry, buddy, we've lost plenty of fights too. But you can't let it get you down, right?" Cole says helpfully. 

"I'm Lloyd. What's your name?" Lloyd asks the samurai, who smiles at the Ninja willing to give him another chance. 

"I am Okino."

Lloyd smiles back. "Nice to meet you, Okino. That's Cole, Kai, Nya, and Jay." Each of the Ninja wave at the samurai. "Oh, and that's my sister, Katarina."

Okino bows before the Ninja, his new masters. "I am honored. Allow me humbly to pledge my service." He bows down on one knee and offers his sword to them. 

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