Hunted: Chapter 5 - The Gilded Path

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"Even if we were to get 'em alone, none of us stand a chance against his power." Lloyd points out. He and the Resistance were now away from the table and standing in an empty space of the depot. 

"Then we keep thinking until there's a plan that works." Nya says. 

A couple of the members were looking through the depot's window and smirked. They ran to a group of the biker gang, who were on top of a crane with a chain attached at the top. 

They gave the group the signal. The group nods and begins to climb up the crane and onto the roof. 

Dareth, who had been watching the whole thing, gasps. "Oh no." He runs back inside the depot, just as the members finish climbing up to the rooftop.

He runs to one side of the depot. He stops running, out of breathe, as he watches more of the S.O.G climb over a fence. He grips the bottom of the depot's door, and uses all of his strength to lift it up. 

"We can't risk an all-out assault. My father is too powerful." Lloyd explains. The members on the rooftop open the window panes of the glass part of the roof. Something in Lloyd's shadow gives the group on the roof a nod. 

"Mm. We must, eh, how do you say? Stratergize." Karlof says, mispronouncing the word 'strategize'. 

Dareth had finally managed to open the door just wide enoug for him to squeeze through. He runs to the Elemental Master, Misako, Pixal, and Lloyd. 


He points up to the ceiling. Everyone looks up. 

Just standing on the glass roof were a large group of the S.O.G, waiting to attack. They used rope to climb down and get into the base. 

Lloyd looks at the Resistance. "Protect the base!"

The fight begun between the Resistance and the S.O.G. The Elemental Masters used their strength and their Elemental powers against the S.O.G, hoping to gain the upper hand with their powers. 

Just as Mr. Pale appeared beside one of the depot's door, Killow used his strength to open it. Mr. Pale looked behind him to see Killow was wearing his Oni Mask of Deception. 

Mr. Pale backed up as Killow laughs darkly. Killow levitats Mr. Pale up into the air and attempted to knock him into Turner, but instead knocks him into a trio of S.O.G. members. 

Turner turns his attention to Killow. Upon seeing the Oni Mask, Turner uses his speed to try and kick Killow down. Just as he punched Killow behind his back, Ultra Violet runs in and pushes Turner onto the floor. She points her sai at his throat threateningly. 

He tries to get out of the sai's way, but Ultra Violet kept stabbing it onto the floor, inches away from his face every time he turned left and right. Killow levitates Turner up in the air and throws him onto the floor at the other side of the depot. 

Nya throws a large chunk of metal at some of the members as they were cornering Neuro. He gives her a thankful look as they run off to help the others. Dareth gets knocked down onto the floor and tries to use his Brown Power onto a few of the S.O.G, but ended up having to go to the bathroom upon trying to use them. 

"Welcome to my foot!" Nya lifts her leg up in the air and kicks the members away with a strong kick, knocking them down onto the floor. 

As more bikers came in on their bikes, Lloyd notices something in the corner of his eye. In the Oni Mask of Hatred was Harumi, and standing beside her was Keres, who had a sickening, twisted smile on her face. 

"Take the son alive!" Harumi orders the bikers.

A group of bikers surround Lloyd. He begins to struggle against them. It would be so much easier if he had his powers. 

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