Day Two pt. 1

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-Hi! I fixed the grammer mistakes!-



{Urgh. Dude, why are you yelling?!}

(Sorry I got excited!)

{Let us sleep in peace...}

(Sure, but what's the hour we shouldn't be late for our second school day!)

{I thought you hated UA?}

(Yeah, but if we are going to be stuck in there for 3 years we should at least make the most of it!)

{Okay, hey Wade check the time}

"Why do I need to do it?"

{Because you are the one that has control of the body, stupid.}

"Alright, but why you gotta be so mean?" I grumbled, forcing my eyes open.

I reached for my phone and checked the time.

"It's 6 am. I have like one hour until I have to go so let me sleep."

As I was getting ready to put my phone away, something caught my eye - an email notification popped up on my screen. I was curious, and couldn't resist opening the message to see what it was all about. "Uh? What's that?" I whispered to myself as I clicked on the email.

Dear Thomas Wilston,

We hope this message finds you well. As your son, Wade Winston Wilston, is making strides towards becoming a hero, we wanted to touch base with you regarding the design of his suit. The suit will be a reflection of your son's powers and personality, and we want to make sure it's a perfect representation.

There are a few things we would like to discuss when it comes to the design of the suit. Firstly, what are your son's powers? Secondly, how would you like the suit to look? Are there any symbols or icons that hold special significance to him? Thirdly, are there any technological features that you would like to incorporate into the suit? Lastly, what kind of fabric or material would you like the suit to be made out of?

Once you have completed the design, please send it to us as soon as possible. Our design team is eagerly waiting to turn your vision into reality.

Best regards,

UA High

(Who's Thomas Wilston?)

"Our father. They needed our guardian email, what they don't know is that I gave them my mail."

(Oh okay. Sooooo do we like need to design a new suit or something or we will just use our ol' Deadpool suit?)

{We will wait for a dramatic reveal later on!}

(Are you serious? I hate those.)

{Too bad!}


Ah, the second day of school, where the sun was doing its thing, clouds were like, "Hey, we exist too," and the air was a perfect blend of car exhaust and freedom. I strutted in, blonde wig getting tangled in the breeze like it's auditioning for a hair product commercial.

I waltzed into UA, the H-shaped building that stands for "Heroic" or something, and noticed my classmates looking all neat in their uniforms. Me? I'm rocking the untied gray jacket, a shirt that's seen better days, and a red tie that's giving up on life. But do I care? Nah. It's not like the fashion police are patrolling this joint.

Then this genius tries to mock my tie, like, "Hey, nice tie!" So, I hit him with, "Thanks! Just like your parents' marriage!" Boom! He was so shocked, he sprinted away like he stole my lunch money.

Deadpool X Boku No Hero AcademiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora