Day Two Pt. 4

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(So the sun was in the sky like normal, and the clouds are also in the sky and- Urgh, I-I can't do it without White! Why did I have to brainnap him two chapters ago?! It's so quiet and lonely here!)

"You still have me!"

(You don't count!)

"Hey! Not cool!"

(You don't even know that I brainnapped White, this is the prologue!)

"Whatever, you're so mean sometimes!"

(Well, you are an ugly lunatic guy!)

"Well, you only exist because I am a lunatic! Do you want me to go see a psychiatrist and get rid of you?"

(Not true! I exist because of Madcap!)

"No, this is White. You exist because of Doctor Bong."

(Okay, okay! So you do count now! Happy?)

"No... This isn't the same now..."

(Oh, come on! Can't you appreciate a good brainnapping every now and then?)

"Yeah, but you turned it into a cliffhanger! I had plans for White, you know?"

(Plans? Like what, a tea party with unicorns and rainbows?)

"Hey, don't judge my fantasies! Unicorns make great conversation partners"

(Right, because nothing says stimulating dialogue like 'neigh' and 'horn-to-horn combat.')

"Touché, Yellow. You know me so well."

(Well, I'm practically your better half.)

"Better? I'd say more like the obnoxious half."

(Obnoxious? I'm the one adding spice to your life. Without me, it's just a bland, Deadpool-less existence.)

"Bland? You think I'm bland? I'm the Merc with a Mouth! I'm like spicy taco sauce mixed with a bit of insanity."

(More like expired mayonnaise with a side of crazy.)

"Now you're just being hurtful. I thought we were bonding over my vibrant personality."

(Vibrant? Is that what you call it when you wear a bright red suit and crack terrible jokes?)

"Exactly! And people love it. Unlike your gloomy, brainnapper persona."

(Well, I'm sorry I can't be the life of the party like you.)

"Life of the party? More like the death of it. I bring a certain charm to chaos."

(Charm? If by charm, you mean chaos with a side of mayhem.)

"Hey, chaos and mayhem make the world go round. It's like my own personal waltz."

(More like stumbling through a minefield.)

"Well, I dance like nobody's watching because, let's face it, nobody should."

(True. It's a spectacle best witnessed alone.)

"And yet, here you are, stuck with me in this prologue."

(I blame the writer. They're probably enjoying our banter.)

"They better be. Now, can we get on with the chapter? I've got a brainnapped sidekick to entertain."

(Oh, joy. I can hardly contain my excitement.)


(Fucking asshole getting in the middle of the symbols saying we start the chapter...)

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