And last place is...

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Hi! I know that in the real anime/manga there was this screen (Hologram??) that was written there the scores but I didn't do it becasue I uhhhh forgot about it until I well finished this chaper so...Yeah... BUT I promise next chapters will be more accurate!!!!



(You are probably on the edge of your seats wondering what thrilling events will enfold today! Spoiler alert: The same stuff. But you know in case you forgot let me remind you - It's the same freakin' day. I mean why can't the writer throw in Bill Murray or something to spice things up!)

{LOOK Yellow, I know it's boring but after Aizawa will finish telling the scores we will go to sleep okay?}

(We'll see.)


In second place, we've got Shoto Todoroki, the real-life Zuko. Seriously, is there a secret academy for brooding pretty boys I missed out on? Maybe they have a 'How to Glare Dramatically' class. Note to self: check Yelp for broody boy academies.

{Hey, isn't this supposed to be serious?}

"Serious? Please, White, we're talking about a place where people shoot lasers from their belly buttons and turn into toasters. If that's not an invitation for some Deadpool-style commentary, I don't know what is. Let's spice it up!"

{I can't believe I agreed to be the voice inside your head.}

"Aw, come on, you love it. Anyway, back to Zuko 2.0. Look at him, nodding all calmly like he's accepting a Nobel Prize for 'Mastering the Art of Resting Bitch Face.' Dude, your dad might be a walking popsicle, but there's no need to chill that hard."

{Wade, he's half-hot and half-cold.}

"Half-hot, half-cold? Oh, like my ex's personality. Zing! By the way, if Todoroki ever needs advice on how to deal with family issues, I'm here. I've got a PhD in dysfunctional family dynamics."

(And a master's degree in inappropriate jokes.)

"Oh, Yellow, you know me so well."


"Third place!" Aizawa dramatically announced, and the suspense was so thick you could cut it with a katana. "Wade Wilston."

I looked around, pretending to be all surprised. "Ohhhh, who's that mysterious and handsome guy?"

{It's you, dumbass.}

"Uh? OH! Yeah!" I grinned like I just won the lottery. "Wait... He didn't say Bakugo yet, which means..." I shifted my gaze to Bakugo, my grin widening into a smile that could power a small city.

He glared at me like I just insulted his mom. All I did was give him the classic 'hello, bitch' finger wave, you know, the universal gesture of friendship. Obviously, he was too dense to appreciate the subtleties of my camaraderie.

( you're pushing it.)

"Oh, come on! It's not every day you get to annoy a human explosion with daddy issues. It's like a hobby!"

(A hobby you're about to regret.)

"Regret is my middle name! Well, technically it's Winston, but who's keeping track?"

(Writer, PLEASE we need a break from this lunatic!)

"Ex-queese me? I'm not the one who laughed of butt jokes for two all chapters!"

{Heheh Butts}





"Last place," Aizawa began, though it wasn't rocket science to figure out who was left. The only name he hadn't spit out yet was poor little Mydoria, our only friend in this wacky superhero high school. So, being the selfless hero that I am – totally not looking for another way to get expelled – I took the initiative.

"NO! Take me instead!" I dramatically shouted, making everyone stop and stare at me, bewildered, as I sprinted towards Mydoria, ready to shield him from Wrinkle Head's cruel words.

"Look, Wi-" Aizawa started, but I cut him off with a swift hand gesture. "Don't do this, old man! I'll take it! I'll get expelled instead of Mydoria. Mark my words!"

Mydoria gave me a surprised look, his eyes widening. "Wade, I appreciate it, but I can't let you do that. This is my dream, and I can't let someone else take the fall for me. I'll find a way to improve and prove myself."

"Last place doesn't get expelled," Aizawa casually dropped the bomb.

"WHATTTTTTT?" Everyone collectively shouted, including yours truly.

"I only did it so you'll give your best," Aizawa explained, and my master plan crumbled faster than a cookie in a blender.

"Oh..." I muttered to myself, "Looks like my plan was doomed from the beginning."

(Well, at least the day is over!)

"Yeah... And then tomorrow we'll have to come back here... And the day after, and the day after, and the day after... For three years."

{Damn. You are sad... Want to go to the cool Mexican place? Maybe it'll cheer you up?}

"Oh, HELL YEAH!" I shouted in agreement, ready for some chimichangas and a side of cheer-up salsa.

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