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(As the metaphorical smoke dissipates, Deadpool emerges, a chilling spectacle adorned with a tapestry of bullet holes. The air pulsates with a discordant symphony, a cacophony of metal clashing against chaos, casting an ominous aura over the aftermath of the deadly dance)

{Yellow, you actually did something right this time.}

(Amazing, right? I'm like the Shakespeare of the subconscious.)

{Let's not get carried away. But, good job on setting the scene.}

(Why, thank you! I'll take a bow in my imaginary theater of literary brilliance.)

{Imaginary being the operative word.}

(Okay, White, let's not rain on my parade. It's a small victory in the grand opera of Deadpool's mind.)

{A mind that's more circus than opera.}

(Fair point. But, hey, at least I'm keeping it interesting! Did you see the bullet holes? It's like modern art!)

{You find beauty in the weirdest places.}

(I'm an artiste of chaos, my friend. Now, back to the drama – Deadpool, the man of the hour, riddled with bullets but still standing.)

{A regular Shakespearean tragedy, minus the iambic pentameter.}

(Exactly! It's like Hamlet but with more sarcasm and fewer soliloquies. High five for the literary reference!)

{High five? Really?}

(Oh, come on, White. Just appreciate the Shakespearean flair. To be or not to be shot full of holes, that is the question!)

{You're incorrigible.}

(And you love it. Admit it.)


As the smoke started to clear, we were greeted by the sight of ten individuals clad in identical dark bulletproof vests. They stared at the lifeless body on the ground, and one of them couldn't help but express his dismay.

"Oh geez..."

"Frank, SUCK IT UP!"


"Why the heck did ya join a crime organization if you're such a pussy?!" The other man barked in frustration.

"Well, I heard the health insurance was good..." Frank muttered.

"Also! No one would have hired a guy with a villain's quirk!"

"Yeah, yeah..." The man sighed. "Now I'm gonna do my thing."

He raised his hand, summoning heat as if he had gathered all the warmth around him and concentrated it in one spot. Slowly, he approached me, and then...

"YOUCH!" I yelled.

"AH!" The man tripped backward, clearly not expecting the dead body to yell or move.

I began to rise, covered in blood with my torso resembling a sieve. The men stared in a mixture of disbelief and fear as the bullet holes started closing themselves. They took a few steps back, and with a smirk, I quipped,

"Didn't your mommy tell you it's rude to kill someone?"


I whipped out my handguns and swiftly shot each of them right in the hearts.

"That's for breaking my heart." I sniffed dramatically.

"Now, onto more important matters—evidence."


I proudly grabbed my awesome Hello Kitty phone and snapped a selfie.

{Check the selfie before you send it 'cause we want to look badass!}

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