Hello :)

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the sky was just doing its thing, clouds cloud-like, and it was that time of day that's all evening-ish! Ah, life in this alternate universe! Is it Japan? New York? California? Who the hell knows! 'Cause guess what? The writer's lost in the vast sea of indecision! But hey, onto the more pressing matters! We (the writer) asked the kind souls of Reddit what the ship of Yellow Box and White Box should be called! And here are the results!

YellowWhite. Which, honestly, makes the most sense but also sounds a tad racist. Like, really? Naming a ship after the lovers' colors?

{Maybe because it's part of our names?}

"Shush, White. This is the prologue, and since I AM the voice in the head now, it's MY prologue. Onwards to the next one!

Boxist. Because, you know, they reside in my own brain—a touch narcissistic! Delightful! Next!"

(B-But we are different!)

"I couldn't care less! Next up!

What the fuck is this post? Oh, um, sorry, not a name suggestion! Just u/fohacidal's parting words!

Deadbox. Ooo, I'm digging this one.

Boxpool. Yup, this one's got style too.

Red, White, and Yellow. Bit on the nose, but hey, I'm part of the gang! I'm thrilled!"

(Maybe, as a third wheel)

"Proud to be the third wheel! Next!

It doesn't break the rules, but I'm tempted to make a new one ಠ_ಠ. Writer's personal fave from a MOD, but come on, too long for a ship's name.


EGG!!! Yes, 'Egg.' Because that's their color palette! Plus, it sounds rad.

But now, let's kick off the actual chapter!!


-Hello! This is a me, Writer!!! I totally tricked you into thinking it's going to be an actual chapter, but this is in fact an announcement!-

cue people start to scream in excitement and tears of joy in the background

-SO! I'm not going to update the fic in a while because I noticed there are A LOT of mistakes about quirks and blah, blah, blah, so I have decided to rewatch the anime after a long, long, long time! But do not worry, my darling few readers! There is a chance I will do one-shots! But like in a different Wattpad book because this story already has 30 parts and if I will also add one-shots it's gonna be even looooooonger! So, please don't forget my little fic :( And goodbye now!-

HOLD ON! You know what? I will put another bonus chapter here! So I know I left at least some of you on a cliffhanger and I wrote the start of the next chapter but I decided it wasn't good and it doesn't help the plot and the characters aren't like themselves and you know I think it was bad. So again:


Here you go~

(Oh yes, 'love'... Some of you geeks will probably recognize this quote: "Love is a beautifu-")

{Yeah, yeah, we all know the quote and we all know what Mama Jones tastes like.}

(Well okay, thanks for ruining my monologue.)

{You are welcome.}

"Huh, Wade?... Is everything okay? Who are you talking to?" Mydoria asked as he stood close to us with the gang. The gang had three people –not counting us– and if you forget who they are let us remind you: Mydoria

(Our awesome and first friend.)


(The cooler one.)

And Ida

(The smart one, obviously.)

"Um, Wade... You're kinda worrying us. Who exactly are you talking to?" Uraraka asked with a tinge of unease in her voice.

{Let me take care of it...} White whispered so only we could hear.

{We are just loud thinkers!} White said, his voice didn't give the slightest sound of a lie, it almost sounded real, almost.

"What do you mean by 'we'?" Ida questioned.

{Oh, you know me! I'm just silly ol' Wade, haha!...}

(Yeah, we blew it.)

Ida's eyes narrowed as he exchanged looks with Uraraka and Mydoria.

"Wade," Ida began, his voice tinged with concern, "Are you sure you're feeling alright? You seem... different."

{Uh-oh, they're onto us! Quick, Yellow, come up with something smooth.}

(Right, right...) Yellow muttered before addressing Ida. (Oh, you know how it is! Sometimes the ol' noggin gets a bit crowded up here,) Yellow gestured vaguely to their head. (Just a friendly debate between the voices in my head, nothing to worry about!)

Uraraka blinked, clearly taken aback. "Voices... in your head?"

{Smooth, real smooth.}

{Hey, it worked for Sybil, didn't it?}

Mydoria's eyes widened as he exchanged glances with his friends.

"Wade," Mydoria said cautiously, "Is this some kind of quirk you haven't told us about?"

{Oh boy, they think I'm a villain now, don't they?}

{Well, technically...}

{A quirk?} White chuckled nervously. {Yes! Exactly!...}

"so do you, like, have a quirk that lets you, like, collect other quirks or something?" Uraraka asked confused

(Um, no? It's like um I can like see ghosts and chat with them and even ask them to possess me so I can use their special skills! And I can ask them for info and I can see a supernatural vibe around them and see who is your ghost guardian!) Yellow explained satisfied

"Wait, really? This sounds awesome! What's my ghost guardian?" Uraraka asked excitedly

(Oh, um it's a chihuahua?...) Yellow said nervously

"Oh, so cute! Well sorry we bothered you, Wade! But I'm so happy we finally know what's your quirk!" Uraraka said with a bright smile as she and the gang left

{Whoa, Yellow I didn't know you were so good at improv.}

(What? I just copied the pervert purple-head powers from Saiki. K)

{Yeah, figures}

"Well, now they think I am a damn ghost buster!"

(Well.... Our middle name is Winston...) Yellow said with a suggesting tone

"Oh, shut up. This is the last time you have control have the body"

(Fair enough)



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