In the streets

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(Under the radiant embrace of the sun, a cloudless sky extends its limitless blue canvas over a lively scene below. The streets, adorned with the footsteps of anticipation, echo with the joyous laughter and chatter of children accompanied by their parents. A palpable sense of excitement permeates the air, as families navigate the bustling thoroughfares, each step a testament to the vibrant energy coursing through the community. The sun, casting its warm glow upon the scene, seems to paint a tableau of togetherness and shared anticipation. Parents engage in animated conversations with their little ones, each dialogue a mosaic of dreams and expectations. In this harmonious symphony of joy, the city streets become a stage for the unfolding drama of familial bonds and the promise of delightful adventures that lie ahead.)

"Sheesh, Yellow you here to rub salt on my wounds?"

{Yeah Yellow...}

(What's the problem with this narration?!}

{You talk about family bonds and how the parents are proud of their kids about joining a new school year when we are alone!}

(Oh... Yeah my bad)

{I mean, seriously, it's like hosting a pity party, and I'm the only one invited!}

{More like a pity solo, even Blind Al ditched this soiree.}

"Yeah, yeah, family bonds, the joy of school, blah blah. My life is a one-man circus, and the tent is looking pretty damn empty," I muttered, rolling my eyes. "At least Blind Al is around, though she probably hates me. You know, because of the whole kidnapping thing. Classic mix-up, really."


Strolling through the bustling streets, I found myself caught in the vibrant tapestry of life. Kids, with their backpacks slung over tiny shoulders, skipped off to school. Adults, like a herd of well-dressed penguins, marched to the beat of their 9-to-5 drum. And in the midst of this everyday chaos, people flaunted their quirks like the grand finale of a mutant carnival.

I watched in amusement as a man conjured ice cream out of thin air and handed it to a grinning kid. A guy, undoubtedly late for the bus, unfurled wings with the grace of a disgruntled angel. And then there was the mom – the superhero next door – using her healing quirk to erase the pain from her son's clumsy misadventure.

"Mmm, healing quirk..." I mused aloud, a tinge of sadness underlying the sarcasm. "Do you think my mother had a healing quirk?"

{Probably not.}

(Yeah, we got ours from Weapon X.)

{Technically Department K.}

(But Weapon X are the ones that injected Wolverine's DNA into ours.)

{Yeah, but we developed it after the experiments in Department K.}

(Yeahhh, but...)

"Guys, shaddap," I interjected, cutting off the endless bickering between the voices in my head. A brief moment of silence ensued, the only sound being the distant hustle and bustle of the city.



As I continued my aimless stroll, I couldn't shake the thought of my mother. The woman who had given me life, love, and a genetic cocktail that turned me into the walking enigma I am today. But in the twisted dance of experiments and memory wipes at Weapon X and Department K, the details of my past remained hazy, like a puzzle missing crucial pieces.

I found myself pondering whether she possessed a healing quirk, whether she had the ability to erase the pain she might have witnessed in her scarred son. But the answers were elusive, buried beneath layers of experimentation and the haze of forgotten memories. It was a somber realization, the juxtaposition of a chaotic existence against the backdrop of a mother's love lost to the shadows of my own fragmented past.

Deadpool X Boku No Hero AcademiaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin