50-Meter Dash

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Hey there! Welcome back for the tenth chapter! I've been paying attention, and it seems like there was a little slip-up on your end. You might've accidentally skipped one of my chapters – Chapter 6, "THE HELLHOUSE" to be precise. Can you believe it? It's like missing the crucial mid-season episode of your favorite show.

But worry not, my friend! I've sorted it out for you. I took the liberty of fixing that tiny oversight, so you won't be left in the dark.

(This isn't chapter 6 I put it in the right order)



(Under the radiant embrace of the sun, the azure sky unfurled its vast canvas with scarcely a hint of clouds. Here, amidst the sprawling P.E. grounds of UA High, the world seemed to pause, basking in the glow of a perfect day.)


When we exited the H shaped building we walked to the P.E grounds there Aizawa started to explain

"All right, listen up. Welcome to UA. High School, the pinnacle of hero education. You're not here to play games or make friends. This is a battlefield, and you're the soldiers in training. In the hero course, excellence is non-negotiable. Your quirks are your weapons, and today, we assess their strength.

This is not a test for the faint-hearted. This is your initiation into a world where only the best survive. The Quirk Assessment Test is the first battleground you face. The rules are simple, but the stakes are high. In this class, there's no room for mediocrity.

Let me be clear. The hero course is not a place for the weak-willed or the indecisive. You're here because we believe you have the potential to be heroes. But potential alone won't cut it. You need to prove yourselves. Today, your quirks will be scrutinized, and your abilities will be measured.

Now, here's a harsh reality for you. The hero world is unforgiving. There's no room for those who can't keep up. The one who finishes last today will find the exit doors. No excuses, no second chances. We're looking for the best, and the best alone.

This is not a mere school; it's a crucible, forging heroes that will stand against the darkness. Remember, you're not just competing with each other; you're battling against the challenges that await you beyond these walls. So, make your mark, showcase your strengths, and prove that you belong here.

Dismiss any illusions of an easy journey. The hero course demands everything you've got. Show me you're worth the title of hero, or be prepared to face the consequences. The choice is yours."

(Wow, didn't know wrinkle head was good at monologuing)

{Haha yeah, because he's stupid!}

"Guys!" I whispered with the enthusiasm only a merc with a mouth could muster, careful not to draw too much attention. I couldn't afford the whole class thinking I'm crazier than a chinchilla in a blender, even though, between you and me, I totally am.


"Wrinkle head just dropped the bomb, and by bomb, I mean 'last place gets expelled.' Right?!"


"Okay, pay attention, this is the genius Deadpool plan unfolding." I leaned in, feeling like the mastermind of insanity. "If we get expelled, we won't have to continue going to this school, and the furball over there won't send us to jail because technically, we still attended school!"

(You, my good sir, are smart).

"I know," I said, flashing a mischievous grin that could rival the Cheshire Cat. The voices in my head were like my personal cheering squad, and with a plan this diabolically brilliant, how could they resist?

Deadpool X Boku No Hero AcademiaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin