U.S.J Bus Ride

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(Ladies and gentlemen, mutants and non-mutants, aliens and chimichangas, welcome to The Yellow Show! The one show that's so chaotic, it's directed by a disorder – because why the heck not?)

(Today on The Yellow Show, we're diving into the crazy world of UA! How's our favorite Merc with a Mouth, Deadpool, holding up in this high school for superheroes? Is he making friends, or is he just annoying everyone with his constant chatter? Is anyone suspicious about the shenanigans that went down yesterday? Well, folks, grab your popcorn and chimichangas because we're about to spill the beans on all the juicy details in The Yellow Show!!!



Ah, UA life, the daily grind of school, study, repeat. Boring as hell! Seriously, why can't it be more like Big Hero 6, you know, a bit of spice, some action, and maybe a wisecracking sidekick? Hey, Writer, let's kick this fanfic up a notch! I have a few ideas for this fanfic!

A musical chapter

Hook up All Might and Bakugou


"Why? Oh, I see you think if I will put all of my awesome ideas here the readers might steal it, good thinking"

-NO, T-this is a ridiculous hook up All Might and Bakugou?! Are you insane?!

"Yea, and what's wrong with my idea?"

-Okay because first of all, they don't even love each other! Before they hook up they need to know each other and go on a couple of dates, you can't just hook up from nowhere!-

"Yeah, good point, so maybe like Bakugou will be late to class so he will run yelling "Oh no! I'm late! What am I going to do!" But then when he takes a turn in the hallway he will crush into someone and he falls down and then like the mysterious someone reaches down to help him get up and then Bakugou takes his strong hand and then when he gets up he and the man will look at each other in the eyes realizing it can't just be a coincidence and then Bakugou will say-"

-STOP! What the hell man?! I don't think Bakugou is the right one to start the conversation! Let me continue; As Bakugou and All Might locked eyes, Bakugou's heart fluttered and he quickly averted his gaze, hoping to hide his blushing cheeks. All Might's smile was warm and gentle as he spoke to Bakugou, "I apologize, young man. I didn't mean to interrupt such a handsome individual." With a tender touch on Bakugou's chin, All Might gazed into his stunning red eyes and th–


"Sheesh, who thought you were such a buzz killer"

-Yeah, we were just horsing around-

(You call that horsing around, my god forgive me... L-let's just start the chapter already...)


In the glorious sequel to the epic mashup of Deadpool and My Hero Academia, where chaos meets quirkiness, day three at UA High School was shaping up to be as delightfully confusing as a chimichanga menu written in hieroglyphics. As I strolled through the hallways, everyone eyed me with suspicion, probably wondering if yesterday's shenanigans were just a one-time Deadpool special or a daily feature.

But being the merc with a mouth, I decided to give everyone a break from my constant banter. Shocking, I know! So, I shut up for once in my life, a momentous occasion that would undoubtedly go down in the annals of history. The day unfolded like any other school day – math class, where I aced a nap (and some algebra), lunch with the gang, and an English class where I dazzled the teacher with my eloquence.

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