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(We entered a space enveloped in the warm embrace of wooden floors and walls. White chairs perched high along the walls hinted at the upcoming evaluations, creating an atmosphere tinged with anticipation and curiosity.)


Aizawa leaned against the wall, his monotone voice cutting through the air. "Listen up, brats. We're moving on to the Grip Strength test. This isn't a tea party, so pay attention. Each of you is going to grab that contraption over there and squeeze the life out of it. Simple, right?

Everybody nodded

"Good, start!"

So, here I am, strolling over to the Grip Strength test, and who do I see? Mr. Explosive Personality himself, Bakugo, giving me the stink eye with a smirk that says, 'I bet you can't handle this.' Well, challenge accepted, my fiery friend.

(Urgh, I hate this guy)

{Oh, we are going to show him...}

"Alright, listen up, Yellow and White. Deadpool's about to demonstrate the Grip Strength of a thousand angry bears on caffeine. Bakugo thinks he's got me figured out, but little does he know, I've got a secret weapon – the ol' healing factor. Yeah, the thing that keeps this pretty face intact after all the slicing and dicing."

"So, here's the master plan. Step one: Strut confidently to the grip thingy, looking as cool as a cucumber. Bakugo's watching, and you know we can't let Sloth Boy have the last laugh.

"Step two: Flex those muscles. But not just any flex – we're talking a super-speed, healing-factor-fueled flex. It's like doing a million reps in the blink of an eye. Muscles tearing and repairing so fast, it's practically a workout montage on fast forward.

(Urgh, feel the burn, baby)

{I'm not sure if this is scientifically accurate, but who cares?}

Now, the judges and classmates see me gripping that thing with the determination of a man who just found out his favorite taco joint is closing. Bakugo's smirk? Fading faster than my ex's love for me.

Next thing you know, I've shattered grip strength records like they're fourth-wall barriers. Bakugo's left scratching his head, wondering how the 'Sloppy Merc with a Mouth' just owned the Grip Strength test. Oh, the sweet taste of victory.

(Urgh, that's how you flex on 'em)

{And they said you couldn't do it.}

"Yep, Yellow and White, that's how Deadpool does the Grip Strength test – with style, sarcasm, and a healing factor that's the real MVP. Take notes, Bakugo, take notes."

So I am staring at my final score like it just told me the meaning of life: "120 FREAKIN' KILOGRAMS!" I bellowed, making sure everyone in a five-mile radius – especially Bakugo – could hear me while I flaunted a magnificent middle finger salute.

(Oh! Oh! Did you see his face?!)

{Yeah! He probably hates us now!}

I chuckled triumphantly, reveling in the astonished looks from the crowd. And then, like a cherry on top of my victory sundae, Mydoria strolled up, a grin plastered on his innocent face. "Wow! I only did 56!" he exclaimed.

"You still did awesome!" I replied with a wink. Gotta boost the kid's morale, right?

Then, in a sudden bout of awkwardness, Mydoria asked, "Hey... So, I didn't really catch your name."

"Oh, I'm Wade Wilson! But you can just call me Wade," I said, flashing a charming smile.

{Achievement unlocked: 'Friend'}


Ah, now the next test, my dear readers.

Picture this: we had to stand on the white line, doing the cha-cha without the music, stepping left and right as if our lives depended on it. And trust me, in the world of UA High, it just might.

So, there I am, sauntering up to the line like it's my personal red carpet. When the timer started, I commenced my flawless left-right-left-right routine. What's the secret sauce, you ask? Well, let me spill the beans – it's the healing factor! I'm stepping so fast; it's like I've got a dance floor under my feet and a speedster's playlist in my head. Take that, cardio!

Now, right next to me, there's this pint-sized kid with a quirky quirk. He's bouncing off some weird, sticky purple balls.

(Hehe, balls.)


"You guys have the worst sense of humor, EVER," I quip, rolling my eyes. And can you believe it? They're me. It's like I'm surrounded by a bunch of Wisecracking Deadpools. Imagine the chaos.

When the time finally put an end to our dance-off, I shot a glance at Bakugo, who I suspect is still nursing a bruised ego from my previous grip strength stunt. And then, there's Aizawa, staring at me for some reason. So, naturally, I pull the classic move – turn my head to the

ground, pretending I'm fascinated by the intricacies of the floor. Anything to avoid the impending awkwardness.

{Smooth, Wade. Real smooth.}


The End of chapter 11! :D

The ball throw will be in the next chapter

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