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(As we stepped through the imposing gates of the H-shaped building, a palpable sense of anticipation hung in the air. The sprawling campus of U.A. High School teemed with a diverse array of individuals, each bearing the mark of uniqueness bestowed by their extraordinary quirks. Some students walked confidently, their quirks manifesting subtly in their everyday movements, while others showcased their powers more overtly, drawing intrigued glances from their peers. It was a kaleidoscope of abilities, a testament to the boundless potential that converged within the hallowed halls of this prestigious institution.

As my eyes scanned the bustling crowd, I couldn't help but marvel at the eclectic mix of talents on display. From the girl with ethereal wings gracefully navigating the air to the boy with mechanical limbs showcasing his prowess in technological manipulation, each student possessed a distinctive power that set them apart. The vibrant tapestry of quirks unfolded before me, and I couldn't shake the thrill of being amidst such an extraordinary gathering. The halls echoed with the hum of conversations and the occasional crackle of quirks being tested. It was a surreal sight, a living testament to the coexistence of normalcy and extraordinary abilities that defined the world of heroes and villains. Little did I know that within these walls, my own journey would unfold, intertwined with the destinies of these exceptional individuals.)

{Excuse me}


{"My own journey"? This is 'our' journey!}

(What? Yeah, yeah totally)

{What do you mean by "totally"?!}

(Technically I am the narrator so I will have to describe the journey so it's mine)

{But I'm also the one living the journey!}

("The one"? It's the third.)

{Yeah, okay! You got what I meant!}

(Yeah, that you think you're the only one doing anything! You don't even think of little ol' Yellow) Sniff

{For god sake! You started it!}

(Now you're blaming me?)

{No! I'm stating facts!}

(Stop yelling at me!)

{Urgh! You are such a pain in my ass Yellow!}








"What's so funny about a damn butt?!"

('Cause hehe butt!)



I strolled until I reached a massive brown door, adorned with a conspicuous red A1.

(You know what they say about stuff like it?)

{That they are trying to compensate for something?}


"Ha! I can't stay mad at you guys," I laughed, shaking my head at the voices' peculiar brand of humor.

(We know.)

With a smirk, I yanked open the colossal door. As I stepped inside, I was greeted by a scene straight out of a mutant sitcom – neatly organized desks, blue chairs, and a bunch of teens eyeing me as if I were a clown who had just wandered into a funeral.

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