"Oh, that is not a good sign." Bumble Bee muttered. Shadow's eyes narrowed on him. Every time she sparred with Blue Beetle, she noticed that his armour was possibly one the strongest things she had come up against. It was aware and in control of every action and she didn't doubt that this version was far more superior and the wielder, far more skilled. It was most certainly a hard chanced win. She stayed back for moment to observe him as the others launched onto attack him.

The heroes unsuccessfully battled Black Beetle. He easily dismissed assaults from Lagoon Boy, Superboy and Wonder Girl. He took out Bumblebee with a sonic blast. Robin, Batgirl attacked with explosive batarangs to no effect. Black Beetle electrocuted Lagoon Boy when he attackd, then shoots staples when Tim and Barbara try to taser him. One of them hits Tim, and he is pinned to the wall.

Shadow moved quickly to free him. An abductee tried to attack with a Manta Trooper's gun, but Shadow saw Shimmer appear in the back and her eyes narrowed, she pulled her back  as Batgirl avoided an attack from the armoured alien. She turned to Shadow "Tag?" Shadow kicked the woman directly at the red head and they both engaged in their own fight.

Herself, Wonder Girl and Superboy took on Black Beetle again. Superboy was kicked deep into the ground and Shadow flipped over the alien, kicking him in the face before using the momentum to bring him down.

Wondergirl held him down with the her lasso but he managed to escape and oushed the blonde back, gripping onto Shadow, who easily escaped his hold. It seemed the telepathic link was reestablished as she saw Cassie engaged for a moment

They were almost toe to toe. She held the punch he aimed straight for her face and twisted his wrist. He gave a dark laugh "You cannot beat me. I have no weakness" A projection from the sode of his body hit her and threw her into the bay door. The cold metal hit her harshly and she was almost certain she heard her own back crack. Her vision blurred for a moment as the healing began and she shook her head to see Miss Martian stuck in halfway through the door, Black Beetle gleefully claiming that he altered the door's density, knocking her out while beating Wonder Girl against the door in order to render her unconscious.

She slipped into the shadows completely, perhaps it was time to channel her other worldly strengths for a moment. 

The swish of clothing indicated a possible weapon draw and his attention was taken from Wonder girl who weakly slid down the door, she flipped back as he began shooting energy beams at her through his blaster canon. A shadow fell over the floor and she now stood directly behind him and placed a high powered electromagnet onto his back and moved out of the way before he could capture her, the device activated immediately and the Black Beetle knelt in pain, placing a hand in front of eyes.

"Your delusions aren't of adequacy. Everything has a weakness" She stated and used her strength to pull him down to the ground getting a grip on one the wing like projections that extended out of the armour and placed her hand on it, the penumbra in the room now gathered as one force and surrounded the wing and broke it off, causing him to scream out. He tried to throw her off himself but only slammed into a wall as she moved out of the way.

The device was discharged as the black scarab reached full strength and Black Beetle's vision returned, he was quick to grip Shadow by her hood and slammed her head into the same wall he had in his act of vengeance, multiple times, enough to draw blood then pulled back "You seem to be holding out better then this lot of earthly vermin. Don't. It only makes it harder"

"I've fought imbeciles much bigger and stronger than you before" With that, dark tendril wrapped around his limbs and pulled him away from her. Blue, Impulse and Beast boy ran into the Docking bay, Blue beetle immediately opened the gates the other one had closed and went on to battle his darker counter part as Shadow held her head, her vision still blurred. Fortunately, she was just about trained for any situation, even fighting blind, she threw a wooden tonfa at Shimmer who was in moves to attack Batgirl whose eyes widened as the weapon swished past her and landed square on the woman's head, knocking her out once more.

IN THE SHADOWS ─── R. GraysonWhere stories live. Discover now