::Ruh and chitra::

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Ruh says I am not wrong, I am sure because whenever I told them in order to be involved in their plan then they directly refused them. I noticed this too much. That's why I am sure that they know my real identity.

Rudra asks but how can it is possible?

Ruh replies I also don't know but now time has been come to show them my real identity.

Rudra says yes, now time has been come to show them your real identity because now we can find fire stone itself. Both of you will go at the Mayavi forest.

Chitra asks what about you, king?

Rudra replies I have an urgent work which I told you later now you should go and follow them, I will myself after sometime.

Ruh says yes, we are going king.

Both chitra and ruh disappears....

At the Mayavi forest....

Ruh and chitra both reaches at the mayavi forest....

As they step into the forest the roots of tree start to imprison them into itself as it imprisoned jayu and adhi.

Then again that ground convert into the swamp itself and both chitra and ruh stucks into the swamp and gradually they start to go inward.

Ruh says these roots can harm me nothing because I have green powers of the nature. Then ruh closes his eyes, her hair start to move itself and start flying into the air then she exert force at last roots of tree disappears and swamp convert into solid ground.

Both chitra and ruh get free from that mesh.

Chitra says it's really so dangerous, then his sight goes towards the lake and says see that lake I am going to clean myself there.

Ruh shouts stop, chitra and says this forest is full of danger we can't use, smell and touch anything of this forest, then we can go in danger. Then she uses her magic and clean herself and chitra.

Then chitra asks now what should we do in order to find that child and horse.

Ruh says but I know very well that how we can find them.

Chitra asks but how?

Then ruh's sight falls towards the ground where some footprints are made.

Chitra's sight also falls on the footprints.

Ruh says see that footprints it seems like that these footprints are of a human being and an animal.

Chitra says yaa, you are right. I think we should follow these footprints.

Ruh says yaa, we are going to follow these footprints because these can reach us to them.

Chitra says yes, you are right.

Then both ruh and chitra start to move ahead by following that footprints.

Both are moving.... After some time at a distance they find that a crow is flying above of them.

Then chitra says we should remain alert from this crow.

Ruh says I don't think it can harm us.

Then suddenly that crow stand ahead of them and changes into a man.

Man speaks up who are you and what are you doing here?

Ruh says firstly you tell me that who are you and why we tell you that where are we doing here?

Man laughs politely and says you have come into my area instead you are asking questions from me that what I am doing here....

Ruh says but we are not interested to tell you that who are we and what are we doing here.

Man says think about it otherwise it will not good for you.

Ruh says don't try to hinder of our path otherwise that will not good for.

Man says okk you are not believing me and angrily attacks ruh, due to which ruh falls on the ground.

Chitra becomes angry and attack back him but he stops him to attack.

Man asks what's your reason of coming here? I will go but firstly tell me you have come here?

Chitra says actually we want to save someone.

Man laughs and says are you trying to make fool to me. Seriously? What you think that I will accept that what you will said to me and then I will leave you no. Your reason for coming here is seeing me by your behavior. You can harm anyone so can't let you go ahead.

Then that man imprison them into a magical mesh with his magical powers and both chitra and ruh stucks into the mesh.

Ruh shouts hey! Leave us it will not be good for you.

Then man says now think about yourself and disappears....

Chitra shouts leave us.

Ruh says now what should we do, how can get free from this mesh just think about.

Chitra says I also don't know. What should we do?

Ruh says what should we do?

Suddenly ruh shouts and says something has remembered to me...

Chitra asks what?

Ruh says remember king of fire hills has given us a pendant....


When ruh and chitra were going from fire hills then suddenly falling lava said stop for a moment.

Then that falling gives ruh a pendant and says keep it to yourself and if someone tries to imprison you in the Mayavi forest then it will help you to get free from that imprisonment.

This pendant will capture that power in itself and you can imprison another one later. But remember that you can use it only for one time.

By saying this, he gives that pendant to ruh.

Flashback ends...

Chitra says yes, we have that pendant use that pendant it will help us to get free from that mesh.

Then ruh takes out pendant from her pocket and when she moves her hand ahead with pendant. Then that magical mesh powers goes into the pendant and finally they get free from the mesh.

Ruh says thank god, we have this pendant. Instead we can't be able to free ourselves from this mesh.

After some time....

Then both ruh and chitra reaches at the hill by following their footprints. At last their footprints disappears at the hill.

Ruh says from this hill where they can go? And why their footprints get disappears from here?

Chitra replies don't know, now what?

Ruh searchingly tries to know more about footprints but it disappears from there. Suddenly again that hill starts to break where they are standing.

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