::Black Forest::

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Ruh was amazed to see all this. But when she goes ahead then people of magical world corner see her, then they supposed ruh to be their enemy. They are about to attack on ruh with his magical powers but then jayu reaches.

Jayu says that Aunt, she is not our any enemy. Actually she saved me from bats, me and adhi was in the forest and suddenly bats came and start attack us and then she came there in mistake and got injured. She is normal person.

Then his aunt said that they can keep a normal person with them then jayu replied that don't worry aunt she's my duty when she will get fine then I will surely leave her at her place.

Then his aunt said it's ok, dear.

Everyone leaves....

Ruh said to jayu why did you lied to your aunt.

Jayu said that's not your business to know, if you want to live here then live but don't put up questions and go early.

Then ruh said that why are you so interested to send me out?

Jayu said because I don't like you and I don't want you to stay here.

Ruh said have I tell that I like you, no, soo you are so irritating mr. Monkey

Jayu said from which side I am looking to you a monkey.

Ruh said see from my side then you will look a monkey from every side then.

Jayu said your side and your eyes both have fault.

Ruh said my eyes and side both are correct.

Jayu that's why they are looking so terrible to me. (In low tone)

Ruh said have you said something?

Jayu said no, your ears are ringing... Stop this talking... I have urgent work, I don't have time to waste on you.

Jayu leaves....

Then ruh said weird boy.... Leave what I have taken from him but I get so much ideas about my story and after going from this place I will write book about it that what I experience.

At Black Forest.....

In a fort between the black Forest.....

In the fort bats are roaming here and there suddenly they took the shape of a body and a vampire with sacry look, long and sharpen teeth looks.

(He was known as a vampire his name was his chitra, he was so powerful).

Chitra laughs loudly and says that I came back and now I will find that fire stone, after ten days there will be fire night and before it I will find that fire stone gives it to you, king.

Ahead vampire at the throne, rudra was sitting who was the king of black forest and he had black powers.

Rudra wants to become the king of all black powers by getting fire stone. He wants to destroy the whole world for this he have to reach to the fire stone and get it.

Then vampire said, king but one can become obstacle before getting the fire stone we have to kill him. Because he is considered as the protector of fire stone. His ancestors and parents were the protector of that fire stone at that time.

And now his son whose name is jayu he has powerful Magical so that he can become the obstacle of our path.

Then rudra said, Are you afraid from a boy? He is nothing ahead ourselves. Go and get him out of the path.

Then chitra said, yes king sure..... And suddenly get invisible.....

Meanwhile at the magical world corner....

Jayu knocks at the door and said grandman can I come inside.

Ahead of jayu there was an old man who was too old.

Then he said yes, son come inside.

Jayu said I want to tell you something.

Then old man said I know what do you want to tell me.

Jayu said how did you know.

Then old man said I know everything but in that everything some things are that I don't know.

Jayu said can you help me find that fire stone?

Then old man replied, I himself don't know but soon we will have to find that fire stone otherwise it can in the hands of rudra and chitra.

Jayu said so how can I find that.

Then old man replied, there is one way to find that fire stone but that way can only us clue.

Jayu questioned what way?

Then old man said that fire stone lost in the war which was fought by your parents from that place you can get clue. It is said that the fire stone had not lasted but it was taken by the moon goddess to protect it and now rudra amd chitra also behind the fire stone to get it.

Jayu said don't worry oldman, I had promised to my mother that I will surely find that fire stone and defeat rudra nad chitra.

Then old man said it is not so easy, it's too hard. You are just a magical boy ahead them, they are so powerful than you.

Jayu asks is there any way to defeat and destroy them?

Then old man replied yes, there is a way.

Jayu questioned what way?

Then old man said that there is a sword that can destroyed the vampire, chitra.

Jayu questioned from where we can get that sword.

Then old man replied that it's a secret and no one knows where is that sword, even vampire himself don't know about that sword.

Jayu said then I will surely find that sword.

Then old man said that it's too hard becauss till today no one can find that for many years.

Jayu said how can we destroyed the rudra.

Then old man replied, rudra king of black Forest, he has black powers. He want to get the fire stone because he wants to become king of all black powers and want to destroyed whole world and he can do this with that fire stone. With the help of fire stone his powers become double and he become more powerful but if fire stone can make him powerful then that fire stone also destroyed him forever.

Jayu said, that's he want to get the fire stone.

Then the old man replied, yes that's why we have reached to fire stone before him.

Stay connected with us to know what will happen next and can Jayu be able to find the fire stone and to save the whole world......

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