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In the morning....

Both, jayu and ruh start to go to black Forest.

In the way...

Ruh says I think that this way is too strange as like you.

Then jayu speaks are you calling me strange?

Then ruh replies no! No! I am calling you handsome.

Jayu asks what?

Then ruh replies for obvious I will call you strange.

Jayu asks can you tell me why?

Then ruh replies I also don't know why....

Then jayu calls ruh a stupid girl.

Then ruh says excuse me, I am any stupid, Mr. Monkey.

Then jayu says ruh again you are calling me monkey.

Ruh replies what you calls to your brother? Sister? No! Then what you calls to a tree? A bird? No! The way we call a tree, a tree and brother to a brother in that way we call a monkey to a monkey.

Then jayu replies your dialogues are fully totally rubbish as like you.

Then ruh says excuse me, my dialogues are not totally rubbish but you are totally rubbish.

Then jayu says I don't want to argue with you.

Ruh speaks have I told you to argue with me, no! So why are you arguing with me.

Then jayu says can I ask something from you?

Ruh replies no.

Jayu says but I will ask.

Then ruh says you are stubborn, ask.

Jayu asks how can you talk so much? Specially how can you argue so much without any fatigue.

Ruh replies seriously, this is your question? Your question is as like you, totally rubbish and now can I ask something from you?

Jayu says no.

Ruh says you are so crazy.

Jayu asks what are you?

Then ruh replies simple, kind and beautiful girl.

Jayu laughs loudly after listening ruh and says it is the joke of the century, I think you should start a business related to jokes and seriously you have so much potential to earn.

Ruh says okk, tell me what I am according to you?

Then jayu says you are crazy, fighter, stubborn ahead i can't tell you because if start to tell about then, then whole day will go.

Ruh says now, I will tell about you.

Then jayu says have I asks from you? No, so just shut up your mouth and move ahead. We have not enough time, before sunset we have to save adhi otherwise we will stuck there and if we stuck there, it will not good for us.

Ruh says okk, you want that I should not speak, then I will not say anything.

Then jayu says ohh! Really, you are going to shut your mouth and I am challenging you that you can't stay without saying anything.

Then ruh says ohh! Really you are giving me challenge that I stay with speaking then I will win this challenge and I will beat you if loss it, remember that and I will win this challenge then you will do what I want.

Then jayu says okk, I accept the challenge.

Now they both reaches at the black forest....

Jayu speaks ruh, see ahead there is a fort far away. That fort is place where rudra and chitra lives. This place is looking so scary, what about you ?

See towards ruh and say ohh you can't speak anything sorry I have forgotten.

Then ruh moves his head above.

Then jayu come on ruh, stop you drama of not speaking.

Ruh gives strange strange reactions to jayu.

Then jayu says why are you giving me such reactions, speak and tell me what are you trying to speak.

Then ruh speaks ohh! You says to speak me. Now I complete the challenge. Now you will do what I want.

Then jayu says seriously, are you thinking so that what will you say me to do, I will do that, never.

See we have reached....

As jayu and ruh steps in the fort, dry air starts to blow, then jayus says it's not safe, ruh take care of yourself.

When they reaches near the door of fort, then that door opens itself.

Then ahead of jayu rudra is sitting on his throne.

When he sees jayu, he says ohh, welcome dear. I am waiting for you.

Then jayu asks where is adhi? Leave adhi, otherwise it will not be good for you.

Then rudra says I know well what is good for me and what is not, so you don't need to tell me, dear.

Then again jayu asks where is adhi?

Then rudra replies see at your left side.

Then jayu see there and he find adhi imprisoned in the magical mesh and he was unconscious.

Jayu shouts adhi and runs towards him.

As jayu runs towards him, rudra makes a magical wall ahead of jayu so that he can't reach to adhi.

Then jayu speaks what you want from me?

Then rudra speaks yes, now you have asked a right question that I want something from you.

Then jayu asks what?

Stay connected with us to know what will happen next and jayu will be able to save adhi or not?......

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