::Moon Goddess::

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Jayu said what's new, we already know about it....

Then the old man replied I am not talking about fire stone, my main point is the moon goddess, it is believed that the most powerful power is the moon goddess in the whole universe and fire stone is also a power of moon goddess and it's our duty to protect the fire stone. Some years ago, the war for protecting the fire stone was fought by your parents, now you will have to find this war. But......

Jayu asked what but?

Then the old man replied rudra and chitra are more powerful than you and there is only one person who can help you to fight with them.

Then jayu asked who's that person?

Then the old man replied that moon goddess itself.....

Then jayu asked but how is it possible?

Then the old man replied with tomorrow's night.... Tomorrow's night is the red moon goddess night which comes after every fifty years, at this night with the help of moon goddess you can become more powerful than rudra and other powers.....

Then jayu asked but how can I become more powerful, is moon goddess itself will give me powers.....

Then the old man said no, red moon goddess night is the powerfull night, all powers try to get more power.

Then jayu says then it will be good for us...

Then the old man said, it's not going to be easy, as it is seeming to you, I said all powers including bad powers and that is rudra....

Then jayu said it means rudra will also try to get more powers with the help of red moon goddess.

Then the old man said yes, rudra will also to try to get more powers, but it will not easy for rudra also...

Then jayu said I can't understand to you that what you're saying.....

Then the old man said, I mean to say that if one want to get powers of red moon goddess then he has to fight with moon goddess wolf....

Then jayu said moon goddess wolf?

Then the old said yes, moon goddess's wolf, who will alive on tomorrow's night. But it's not easy to defeat him, till today only one person had defeated the wolf.

Then jayu asked what was that person?

Then the old man replied I also don't know him because it was an old incident, now after fifty years again this night has come.

Then jayu said so, how can we defeat him?

Then the old man said that there is a power which can defeat him.

Then jayu asked what is that power?

Then the old man replied I also don't know about that but it is a written in an old book, after every fifty years many powers had tried but till today that unknown person had defeated him but don't know how....

Then jayu said it means next step of rudra and chitra will be getting more power of red moon goddess.

Then the old man replied yes....

Then jayu said where is that wolf?

Then the old man replied in the snow Mountains, he is frozen in the ice and tomorrow's night, he will alive....

Meanwhile at the black corner.....

Rudra said before it, one thing is more important.

Then chitra asked what is that?

Then the rudra said tomorrow is the night of red moon goddess which is coming after fifty years again, it is coming. I need the powers of red moon goddess, that's why tomorrow's night is so important.

Then chitra said But for the powers of moon goddess we have to defeat the wolf of red moon goddess which is too hard.

Then rudra said I know, but I am so powerful, king of black powers, there is not any power which can defeat me. Now, I am waiting for tomorrow's night.

At night....

At the garden, ruh was sitting and watching the moon.

Then jayu was passing from that place and saw the ruh, asked ruh that was she watching?

Then ruh replied your mouth which is so pretty.

Then jayu said really (in a shocked way)

Then ruh said you are really thinking so, what you think I have nothing to watch except your face, I was just watching moon.

Then jayu Said What's the fault in my face?

Then ruh replied see from my side, then you will be able to look everything.

Then jayu says totally rubbish (in a low tone) .

Then ruh asked have you said something?

Then jayu said no, why I will say something.....

Then ruh said I know you very well Mr. Monkey.....

Then jayu said again you are calling me a monkey.

Then ruh said,are you feeling bad..... Laughs loudly......

Then jayu said looks her while she was laughing loudly and lost in her.

Then ruh stops her laugh and asked why are you looking me in this way.

Then jayu replied what way, what you think, I have nothing to watch except you..... Starts laughing.....

Then ruh gives him evil smile..... She also starts laughing with jayu.......

At next day morning.....

Jayu was sitting adhi near the lake and telling him today's night is the red moon goddess's night and telling him that he don't know how will he defeat the wolf..... Jayu was feeling very nervous as he was just a teenager, his only power is his magic and nothing else....

Stay connected with us to know that what will happen at the night of red moon goddess's night, can jayu be able to gain the powers of moon goddess.......

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