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When jayu and the old man were talking, they heard a voice of something falling. Then jayu said wait old man I see.

Then jayu comes out and sees ruh standing outside the door.

Jayu said uff, you were listening to our talking.

Ruh said no, you are wrong, I am just passing out then my hand collides with this pot, due to which it fell.that's it.

Jayu gives evil smiles to ruh and what you think that I am mad that you can make fools of me.

Ruh said how do you know that I lied to you.

Then jayu said I don't need to know everything about you, because I already know everything about you.

Ruh said how? You are my mother?

Jayu asked mother?

Ruh said yes, are you my mother?

Then jayu replied, I am not your mother.

Then ruh said so, how do you know everything about me, you know my mother also caught me when I lied to her.

Then jayu said I don't want to waste my time on you.

Then suddenly a child runs near them and says to jayu that a monster has come.

Then jayu asked him what happened to the raffu, who was the monster?

Then raffu replied that a monster has come who has big teeth and he is looking so scary.

Then jayu asked him where?

Raffu replied to him there by moving his hand.

Then both jayu and Ruh run towards that place.

Ahead jayu and ruh, vampire was standing, who was chitra.

Then jayu said I think you are chitra, a vampire.

Then chitra Replied Oh! Jayu you have recognised me. What a pleasant surprise.

Then ruh Interrupted speak wow! This villain is so handsome.

Then jayu said are you mad, silly girl. He is looking at you handsome, you don't know how dangerous he is.

Ruh apologized to jayu and said actually I am a story writer and I like villains so much.

Then in anger Chitra speaks shut up, it's not a joke, I think you want to see my powers.

Then ruh again Interrupted speak that I have also strong muscles I can beat you, do you want to see my power?

Then chitra holds the raffu who is standing ahead of them and watching all this.

Then the vampire holds him tightly and bites him on his neck and the child becomes unconscious.

Then everyone shouts, raffu.....

His mother runs towards him and lays him in his lap and cried and said ohh my child... Raffu....

Then jayu becomes angry and attacks the vampire with his magical powers, and falls.

Then the vampire attacks him and holds him tightly in the sky with his magical powers and says how dare you to attack me.

Then ruh said, sorry Mr. Vampire I am apologizing to you at the place of jayu, please leave him.

Then suddenly adhi came, who was a magical horse and attacked chitra with his magical powers which were in his horn.

Then jayu falls downwards and then ruh helps him to stand up.

Then jayu again attacks him and holds him tightly with his magical powers.

Then suddenly the old man came and threw a magical mesh on chitra due to which he was imprisoned in that mesh.

Then chitra shouts! Leave me... I am warning you, it will not be good for you....

Then ruh said just shut up Mr. Vampire, we know that what is good for us and what is not, so you need to tell us our good.

Then jayu said in a way of irritation, can you shut your time?

Then the old man said that we can't imprison him for a long time....

Suddenly chitra uses his magical powers and breaks that mesh and suddenly gets invisible...

Then ruh said ohh wow! He can become invisible what are the amazing magical powers...

Then the old man said jayu came with me.

Then jayu said yes, old man I am coming, let's go adhi....

After some moments...

Jayu says that raffu's life is in danger. Is there any way to save him.

Then the old man replied Yes, there is a way.

Then jayu said what way?

Then the old man replied you have to take blue water because blue water is considered as the magical water which can save the life of a person if poison is spread in that person's body.

Then jayu said from where we can get this blue water?

Then the old man replied there is a waterfall that waterfall's water is blue water which can save the life of raffu and that waterfall is at Between the highest peaks of this forest.

Jayu said I will go there and take that blue water.

Then the old man said that it's not easy that the waterfall is surrounded by the protectors of that waterfall.

Jayu asked then what is the issue?

Then the old man replied that don't allow anyone to take blue water before taking blue water you have to fight with them and defeat them, then you can take the blue water and we don't have so much time before the sunset you have to take that blue water.

Jayu said don't worry about the old man I will fight with then and surely I will take here that blue water, adhi let's go....

Then the old man said wait for Jayu.....

Then jayu asked what happened to the old man?

Then the old man asked jayu to give his hand then Jayu gave his hand to jayu and then the old man spoke some lines and suddenly a bracelet came into the hands of jayu.

Then the old man said,Jayu wear it, it will protect you...

Then jayu says thanks to the old man and he was about to go but suddenly a voice from behind....

I am also coming with you.... It was ruh.

Then jayu said he is not going to any picnic spot to enjoy, he's going to save the life of raffu and say that it's too dangerous to just stay here.

Ruh requested the old man that she also wants to save the life of raffu and wants to go with jayu.

Then the old man replied that, daughter it can be dangerous for you, your life can go in danger.

Then ruh said that she is so strong and she also has strong muscles to beat villains.

Then the old man laughs politely and says okk daughter if you want to go then you can go, jayu take her with you.

Then jayu said no old man she's so silly girl.

Ruh said are you saying me silly?

Then the old man said that don't fight, we don't have so much time.

Then jayu apologized to the old man and said let's go adhi.

Then ruh also said, yes, let's go...

Stay connected with us to know whether they  can save the life of raffu or not???.......

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