::Ruh and jayu::

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Jayu says now my main concern is the fire stone. Now I have to find that place which is seen at last by this stone.

But before that I have to find that place and only a person can tell me about that place and that's the old man.

At the magical world corner....

Both jayu and adhi reaches at the magical world corner.

Jayu was going towards his room, then suddenly in the way he saw ruh.

Jayu goes towards her and asks her what re you doing her and why you have not sleep yet?

Then ruh replied I couldn't sleep that I was roaming here and there and had you kept that stone at its real place?

Then jayu replied yes and said to her that she should have go to back at his home.

Then ruh replied that she would not be going anywhere, she will stay here to help him.

Then jayu said but I don't know that you helped me so, you should have go.

Then ruh asked what you think Mr. Monkey that what you told to me I will accept that no, you was wrong. I was saying you that I will stay here then it's final.

Then jayu said firstly stopped calling me monkey because I am so handsome.

Then ruh laughs loudly....

Ruh asks have seen your face in the mirror? Handsome seriously? It's the joke of century.

Jayu asks ohh, so who is handsome according to you? That vampire?

Then ruh replies yes, he is better than you.

Then jayu asks how can you compare me with that villian, I think you are out of your mind.

Then ruh says so, why you always feel jealous from him.

Jayu says excuse me, my bad days has yet not come that I will jealous from him.

Then ruh says also your good days has yet not come.

Then jayu says whatever, stop arguing with me.

Ruh asks am I arguing with you seriously? I am arguing with you or you are arguing with me?

Then jayu says you are so stubborn and always argues with me.

Then ruh says ohh shut up, you don't know how much beautiful, kind, simple and intelligent girl I am and I don't want to say you something.

Ruh tries to go but then suddenly says how can you say that I argues with you and holds her hand.

Then suddenly ruh falls on the jayu, both falls on the ground on each other.

Then both losts in each other's eyes.

Ruh stands up and give his hand to jayu. But when jayu moves his hand to hold ruh's hand then suddenly moves her hand behind.

Says what you think that I will, forget about that....

Jayu shouts you stubborn and irritating girl, it will not good for you. You have insults remember that!

At the black Forest....

At the fort....

Rudra sitting is on his throne and suddenly chitra comes.

Rudra asks what happens? Amd where is ruh?

Then chitra replies I go there to capture that stone but then ruh gestured me to go back....

Then I met with her she had told me that no stone had not any link with fire stone. It was just coincidence. Moonlight had no effect that stone.

Then chitra says but how can it is possible? I want that stone. Take that stone and give to me.

Then chitra says Okk I will go in the morning to find that stone.

Rudra replies okkk.

At morning....

At the black corner.....

Chitra reaches at the black corner. Then he tries to find that stone.

But no where he finds that stone. He sees everywhere but no where is that stone.

Then he says I think I should tell about this to the king that stone is not present here.

At the black Forest.....

At fort....

Chitra reaches at the fort....

Rudra asks where is that stone?

Then chitra replies he tries to find everywhere but at but that is not present there. He finds everywhere.

Then rudra says I think you should go to ruh. I think she can tell you about that stone after asking from that boy.

Then rudra says Okk king, I am going.

Chitra disappears..

At the magical world corner.....

Chitra meets with ruh...

Ruh asks what are you doing here. If someone see you then what will happen? Tell me why you have come here.

Chitra replies king has ordered me to take that stone.

That's why I had tried to find that stone at the black corner, but I can't be able to find that stone at anywhere.

So that's why you have to ask from that boy about the stone.

Ruh replies Okk I will ask from him but now you should go from here.

Chitra says Okk, I am going...

Chitra disappears....

Then ruh says to itself that she have to go to jayu to know about the stone.

Jayu was going towards the room of the old man.

Then suddenly ruh sees jayu and call him.

Then jayu says what you want from me.

Ruh asks where are you going?

Then jayu says I can't tell her anything, because I don't want to involve her in all this. (In his mind)

Jayu replies not anywhere but why are you asking from me, do you want something?

Then ruh asks where you have leaved that stone at night?

Then jayu replies at the black corner, at his real place but why are you asking this from me?

Then ruh says not something serious, just like that.

Jayu says ohh, I understand why are you asking this question from me.

Ruh get nervous and asks why?

Then jayu says because now you have any topic to argue with me.

Then jayu says just, shut up why you always think like that.

Jayu says see now I have not any mood to argue with you. So, please leave me alone and find someone else.

Jayu lefts....

Then ruh says to itself that now she have to go at the black corner to find that stone.

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