::flashback ended::

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Ruh gestures to chitra to go back with her eyes.

Then chitra understands and suddenly disappears....

Jayu asks why he suddenly disappears?

Then the old man says leave it, see ruh has come again and stone is also safe. See, the moon goddess has come. Jayu, keep this stone there, so that moonlight directly falls on her.

Then Jayu keeps that stone there.

All are desperate to know what will happen next?

But after sometime they realize that nothing has happened.

The old man and jayu get shocked.

Then the old man says it means it has no connection with the fire stone.

Jayu asks now what should we do? How will we find a fire stone?

Then the old man says don't worry, we will find another way to find a fire stone and I think you should keep this stone at its real place because it has come from black corner that can affect us.

Then jayu says ok, old man.

Then suddenly ruh asks jayu, can I come with you.

The old man says no, now you will stay here. I don't want to be your life at risk.

Then jayu says yes, ruh the old man is right. You will go to the magical world corner with the old man, Adhi let's go.

Jayu and Adhi left....

The old man says to the daughter you should take a rest, let's go.

Ruh says Okk, the old man.

At the magical world corner....

Both the old man and ruh reach the magical world corner.

The man says good night, daughter.

Then ruh says good night, the old man.

Then the old man says if you will need something then just call me.

Ruh says Okk, the old man.

Then the old man left....

Then ruh calls the chitra....

Chitra comes there....

Then chitra asked what happened and then why did you tell me to go back.

Ruh said so what did I do? You started fighting with jayu and started harming him.

Then chitra says "Why are you worrying about him?"

Ruh replies I am not worrying about him, you just leave him and listen to my plan.

Then chitra asks firstly, Tell me about that stone?

Then ruh replies that stone does not have any link with fire stone. It is just a coincidence.

Chitra asks so, what's your plan?

Ruh replies I will stay here and keep my sight on them, that what will they do next to find a fire stone.

Then chitra says Ok, I will inform the king about your plan.

Ruh says Okk, now you should go from here otherwise someone will come.

Then chitra disappears.....

At the black corner...

Jayu and Adhi reach the black corner.

Then jayu says adhi see what i am doing.

Jayu keeps that stone there and says adhi.

Then moonlight falls on that stone.

Then that stone shows the incident which happened years ago....

Flashback starts.....

Stone shows that war in which his parents were fighting with rudra and chitra for fire stone.

His father had handed the fire stone. Suddenly chitra attacked his father, due to which a fire stone had fallen into the hands of his father.

Then a fire stone collided with this stone and went inside the stone.

After some time, when war had ended then the fire stone itself came out of the stone and started to shine.

Suddenly a white light surrounded the fire stone and disappeared.

Then at last a place is seen which is surrounded by the lava and in between that lava a statue was there and in the hands of that statue fire stone was seen.

Then suddenly everything gets normal.....

Jayu and Adhi were shocked to see all this.

Then jayu says what's the place.

Adhi makes noise....

Jayu says I know what you are asking from me that when the old man has kept that stone there then nothing has happened. But now....

Because that stone was fake. It was all the plan of the old man.


Jayu tells adhi about morning when he takes that stone from black corner.....

He was talking with the old man, but then they heard a noise then jayu noticed the chitra.

Then he makes the plan of a fake stone with the old man to save ruh.

The stone which has the old man was fake that's why nothing has happened.

The old man had told me to hide the real stone and when the old man had told me to keep the fake stone at the black corner then I destroyed the fake stone and took back the real stone.

All it was our plan......

No one knows about this plan except me and the old man.....

Stay connected with us to know what will happen next....

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