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When chitra attacks jayu and adhi, then they both fall....

Then chitra said now your time is over and now I am going to the end of this fight, the child.then he closes his eyes and reads some lines and then with full energy attacks jayu.

When he is about to attack, then suddenly jayu moves his hands ahead and when he attacks jayu that bracelet shines and attacks back the chitra.

Due to which vampire, chitra falls and he feels weak and the bracelet which is in the hands of Jayu gets out and starts flying over the chitra.

Then that bracelet forms a protective mesh around the chitra and disappears. Due to which chitra imprisoned in that mesh and can't be able to attack back on jayu.

Then jayu said now I will not forgive him, I will kill him forever.

Then ruh said don't be get mad, you know that the old man had said that we can kill him only with that sword.

Then chitra said released me from this mesh otherwise it will not good for you, I will kill you forever.

Then ruh replied ohh! Mr. Handsome firstly saved yourself than do what you want.

Ruh says to jayu, jayu now we should go....

Then jayu said yes, you're right, let's go.....

After some time......

At the magical corner world.....

Jayu, adhi and ruh reaches at the magical world corner.

Then the old man comes....

Then the old man asked jayu that are you okay, thank god.

Jayu says how do you know that something have happened?

Then the old man shows a ring and said him if something went wrong then this ring gives me sign be shining and tell me what have happened?

Then jayu said yes, chitra had come again and attacks us but we were save just because of you that bracelet that had given you to me, that bracelet save us by attacking him and that bracelet had made a mesh on him.

Then the old man said, thank god, that was a magical bracelet, that helped you and did you find something there?

Then jayu replied no, we had searched alot but can't be able to find something.

Then the old man said I have to think something more...

Then the old man lefts....

Then jayu said I think I have go to ruh.

When he reached to ruh, he sees ruh was trying to bandage his injured hand sitting on the bed.

Then Jayu knocked on the door and asked her to come inside?

Then ruh said yaa, come in.

Then jayu said can I help you.

Then ruh said you don't need to worry, Mr. Monkey, I am too strong, I have strong muscles.

Jayu laughs politely and said yaa, I know very well, let me do bandage, just sit and let me do bandage.

Then ruh sits, jayu said her to give hand.

Then ruh gives him her hand and jayu bandage his injured hand.

When jayu was doing bandage then ruh shouts, ahhh....

Then jayu apologized to ruh....

Ruh lost in the jayu and continuously looking to him in a way of love.

Then jayu looks her and lost I'm her eyes, for a moment.

Then they continuously looks at each other and lost in the eyes of each other.

Suddenly, a sound come from behind....brother, jayu....

Then jayu looks behind... It was raffu.....

Then jayu said raffu, are you here.... Are you okay?

Then raffu said yes, brother I am fine.

Then ruh said hello, raffu I am ruh.

Then raffu shakes his hand with ruh and said I am raffu, sister.

Then a man knocked on the door and jayu....

Then jayu asked what happened?

Then that man replied the old man have called you....

At the old man's room......

Jayu knocks the door and asked the old man to come inside.

Then the old man replied yes.

Then the jayu asked had you called me?

Then the old man replied yes, I want to talk with you that we are protecting the stone fire for thousands of years but fire stone had never losted.

When it was losted then it got inactive due to which fire stone had losted his powers and after nine days at fire night it will get active again....

Then jayu said the old man I have already known about it but what's the new....

Meanwhile at black corner.....

Chitra was stucked in that protective mesh, suddenly rudra come at that place and see him imprisoned in that mesh.

Then rudra free him with his magic....

Then chitra said sorry,king he has a magical bracelet which attacks him back and due to that bracelet he imprisoned in that protective mesh.

Rudra said now I have to do something about that child but before him, I have to find fire stone.

Chitra said king but you will find fire stone.

Then rudra said don't worry, we will find that fire stone before them.

Stay connected us to know what will be the next step of jayu and rudra in order to find the fire stone....

Magical DestinyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin