Vairak was a powerful clan because it can neutralize any other supernatural's power. Like they did now with Alarion.

Avyugh's heart beat was fast as he fisted Alarion's jacket in his hands. Avyugh was tense as he realized they were in a potential enemy zone.

"Do your jobs properly," Alarion muttered to the bodyguards and turned to his mate who was slightly disturbed. "Are you alright?"

Avyugh nodded and quickly removed his hands off Alarion's jacket but the vampire caught on of his hands and held it tight. The Chief of Vairak was shouting at his subordinate who allowed people outside their homes, because nobody seemed to like Alarion and could attack them at any time.

The subordinate glared at Alarion as he stepped came to a halt beside his parents.

Alarion shot them a disapproving look and spoke.

"I brought a disaster nineteen years ago when it was unintentional, but God forbid something happens to my mate or family, I will make sure you see hell. That will be completely intentional."

He smiled in the end.

Alarion had made a promise.

He would care least about a village as spiteful as Vairak if they ever crossed a line.

He knew that.

His parents knew that.

The Chief of Vairak too, now knew that.

The subordinate still glared at Alarion, his distate as apparent as ever.

"I don't like the way you look at me." Alarion chuckled and stepped forward near the subordinate and whispered. "Keep that up and you won't have to glare at anymore."

The subordinate straightened up, and put up a blank face.

Viridian gave his son a proud pat on the back.

Avyugh stepped closer to Alarion instinctively as they entered the temple.

The priests had started the rituals. The four of them were sat around a blazing fire emitted from wooden stickes, tamed by bricks on all four sides of it. The priests were chanting in a language Alarion hadn't heard of.

The vampire was asked to sit in front of the burning fire with his mate.

Five minutes into the ritual, Alarion was asked to remove his shirt, as they needed to paint his skin with the holy ash obtained from the fire.

Avyugh also had to take part in the ritual. He was asked to tie a thread around Alarion's wrist. The human was trying not to get distracted by looking at a shirtless Alarion. The vampire was built well, with prominent abs and muscles. Alarion was a good looking vampire--anyone with eyes can tell.

The priests gestured the pair of mates to stand up, all the while chanting slogas.

Alarion and Avyugh were guided further outside the stone temple, and what they saw, they wouldn't forget for their life.

Everything their sight touched was green pastoral land, that extended far and wide. Cows, goats and a few dogs roamed the land. At the centre of the land was situated a huge waterfall. It was a waterfall that fell inward, like a blackhole.

The waterfall was gushing with water, force enough to drown a human.

One of the priests stepped forward and applied ash on Alarion's forehead, gesturing to the waterfall.

The vampire knew what he needed to do.

"What is this for?" Avyugh asked the Chief of Vairak, alarmed, pulling Alarion's hand.

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