20. Attempts were made

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Alarion was terrible at cooking.

He knew that by the pasta that was sticking to the pan.

He was trying to make a decent meal for Avyugh and his brother, but failed miserably without that instant food maker oven--it wasn't working.

He glared at the pan that had pasta sticking to it, hoping it would combust under the intensity of his stare, but he looked up quickly when he heard a cough.

It was Avyugh, leaning against the kitchen door with crossed arms.

"You're making dinner?" Avyugh asked, raising a brow.

Alarion frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Avyugh pushed himself off the door and walked forward to where his mate was standing, and leaned over to take a look at the pan. "Your abilities are limited." He glanced at the vampire. "As always."

Alarion huffed.

"Well, I'd have to ask someone to bring some food since the oven isn't working and we can't cook." He rolled his eyes and leaned on the kitchen island, shoving his hands inside his pockets.

Avyugh scoffed. "We? We? I'm sorry but speak for yourself."

The human being shoved Alarion out of his way and began to work around the kitchen, grabbing everything he'd need to make dinner.

"What are you making?" Alarion poked around curiously.

"Pongal and Sambar. It's an Indian dish." Avyugh muttered as he got to work.

Alarion quietly moved away and sat himself on one of the island chairs and watched his mate cook dinner.

"I need turmeric." Avyugh asked, looking up at the vampire who was silently watching him.

"Just ask the kitchen assistant." Alarion replied lazily.

Avyugh narrowed his eyes at the vampire with a deadpan look. "Where's the kitchen assistant?"

Alarion sighed and got up from his seat and leaned over Avyugh to reach the button behind him, that came with a set of controls beside the stove.

Avyugh's breath hitched at their proximity but the vampire didn't seem to realize.

"There, you're done." Alarion murmured and pulled away, resuming to take his seat on the chair he had left behind.

Avyugh cleared his throat and nodded, not meeting Alarion's eyes. The latter didn't notice, and continued to watch his mate cook, getting information about the ingredients inside the kitchen with the help of the kitchen assistant.

"Do you want me to make your brother forget? All that happened today?" Alarion asked quietly, feeling guilty and ashamed. They were attacking Avyugh because of him after all.

The human being stopped what he was doing and looked at Alarion in the eyes.

The vampire was looking at the human with the same intensity, but the feelings differed.

"Yes. I want him to forget. Everything that happened today. All of it." Avyugh replied, clutching the cooker in his hand really tight.

Alarion stood up from the chair and walked inside the bedroom to find a sleeping Maahi, clutching a pillow to his chest as soft breaths left his lips.

All it took the vampire to compel the human to forget were mere seconds where the former held the latter's hand and murmured the works to compel the kid into forgetting.

His father, Viridian had taught him the art of compelling.

It had somehow gotten simpler over time.

When Alarion went back to the kitchen to see his mate, he was already washing the vessels.

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