Mikey narrowed his eyes. Takemichi noticed this but hesitated to talk to him. Chifuyu noticed him and sighed "You go talk to Mikey-kun, I'll talk to Baji-san." He whispered then walked away seating besides Baji.

Baji looked at Chifuyu confuse but he just smile.

Takemichi went beside Mikey and whispered to him. "It's all Kisaki's fault." Mikey looked at him "What do you mean?" He asked

"If ever you lose yourself or feel empty inside. It's not your fault. It's either mine or Kisaki." Takemichi smiles. Mikey shot him confuse look but he just went back to watching.

"Soon, he will be the means by which I am reborn."

"And Sano Emma was the finishing touch?" Kisaki stays silent at that question, so Izana continues "There's one thing I don't get. Why would you take the risk of getting your own hands dirty? You easily could have used someone else to kill her. What prompted you to do that?"

"I just killed your own sister, but that's all you care about?" Kisaki asked back. Both of them stayed silent for a few seconds just before Izana opened his mouth once again...

"My own sister? She's not my sister." Izana said. Kisaki looked at him in shock. "I'll come back for you someday, huh?" He said again as if asking someone who should know. Kisaki continues to stare at him in shock.

Emma gritted her teeth.

She silently glared at Izana, so no one noticed except the girls (Yuzuha and Hina) and Izana who rolled his eyes.

'So I'm not your sister huh? Is that why you never come back for me? After what you promised...'

"I spent 10 years in that foster home. But the only one who came to visit me was Sano Shinichiro. The only thing that filled my empty heart was his love. What I care about is everyone that Sano Shinichiro loved. Everyone Sano Shinichiro loved, besides me, should just die." The screen closes up to his eyes and everyone can see how hateful it is...how jealous, how sad...how empty.

Emma then turned away as shadows covered her eyes. Yuzuha held her hnd and Hina lay he rhead on her shoulder.

Kisaki moved his eyes to the scenery once again. Izana then put his hand on his chest

"Kisaki, your malice is what will fulfill my desires.  So I'll let you use me. Right now, Mikey is just like me. In the depth of hollowness. I will tame Mikey myself. I'll take my time and do it nice and slow."

He then turned to Kisaki once again and Kisaki turned at him.

"Kisaki. Toman's all yours."

They fell into another silence, as Kisaki stared at the scenery below them with an angry expression.

'What now...Hero?'

Takemichi frowns 'I hate it when he is the one calling me a hero. Crybaby Hero is much better. Or Takemitchy.'

Opening Has been Skipped
#43: Rise Against

"Sounds like a final battle to me." Smiley said. Angry looked at Takemichi worriedly.

The scene opened with silence.

Takemichi stares with wide eyes. Emma was shown...dead and pale.

Mikey gulped. He then looked at Izana, then at Emma, and at Draken.

'I knew we talked about this. And after this...our new mission...is to save everyone who died...to save them from Kisaki...but it still hurts...seeing your sister died.' Mikey almost cried again, but Takemichi held his hand. He looked at him.

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