"You're incorrigible," she said, placing her hands atop mine, trying to slow my rolls.

"I hope that means sexy as fuck," I replied breathily, attaching my lips to her neck again.

Rolling her eyes and chuckling, my gorgeous lady asked, "Can you please just tone it down for a minute and tell me my son is okay?"

"Yeah, Drew is great. Last time I checked on him, he was sleeping soundly, clutching that shabby stuffed dog he loves so much. He's fine, baby, relax. You worry too much." I started rubbing her clit over her panties which were quite wet now. I love how she responds to my touch.

Chuckling in spite of herself as she gently slapped my hip, Amy protested, "That's not the son I'm referring to and you know it. I'm talking about Alex."

"He's fine too, baby, I promise. I didn't go too hard on him." Sliding her panties to the side, I inserted two fingers into her hot wet fun zone. "Quite the opposite of how I'm gonna do you." I plunged my fingers in deeper, making Amy arch her back in response as she gasped, laying her head back on my shoulder, melting further into my touch.

"Can I see him?" Amy asked breathlessly.

"Of course you can see him," I replied, caressing her clit gently, before pinching the swollen pink bud between my thumb and pointer finger. "The spanking didn't turn him invisible." I smirked, continuing my efforts to bring my beautiful lady to orgasm.

"Dean, I'm serious. I can't enjoy this while I'm worried about him," my baby whined in desperation.

I love it when she's so needy and docile. I could shoot my load in my pants right now, she's got me so worked up.

"Really?" I questioned, grinning slyly, "Cuz that's not the vibe I'm getting." I finger fucked her harder, feeling how wet she was deep inside. The walls of her slick vagina tightened hungrily around my two fingers, throbbing in angst, lustfully yearning to reach that orgasmic climactic state.

Grabbing my hand forcefully, Amy ordered firmly, "Dean, I'm serious. Stop!"

I immediately withdrew my hand and apologized sincerely, "I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to take it too far. I'll stop, until you give me the green light, I promise. Ok?" I rubbed her upper arm gently as I rested my chin on her shoulder. I would never disrespect a woman like that. I'm a firm believer in the phrase no means no. What the heck was I thinking? "I never should've kept on when you told me you weren't enjoying what I was doing. I'm really sorry, baby," I said earnestly, hoping she'll forgive me. "I would never want to break your trust like that."

If there's one thing John Winchester taught me, it's respect for women. The worst whippings I ever received from that man were for disrespecting my mother. I didn't sit for a week when I was eight and told my mom to shut up. That was the first time I got a taste of my daddy's belt and I did not like it. I never made the mistake of telling my mom to shut up again. Well, at least not out loud anyway.

"Thank you," Amy said, relaxing in my arms. "I know you would never hurt me like that, Dean. I think you've just had a little too much to drink."

"That's no excuse, baby," I replied, honestly feeling ashamed of the way I acted.

"I know. I just need you to listen to me and really hear what I'm saying right now. Ok?" She gripped my chin lightly so I would look her in the eye.

"Of course," I said, giving her hand a gentle squeeze in reassurance.

"I just need to see my boy to make sure he's alright. It's not because I don't trust you, Dean, it's just because I'm his mother and he'll always be my baby boy, he and Drew. Their health and well-being will always be my top priority." Touching my cheek gently, she asked, "You can understand that, right?"

"Absolutely," I replied, taking her hand and pressing a gentle kiss atop her knuckles. "I feel the same way about Katie." Standing up, cradling her in my arms bridal style, I said, "Come on, let's go to your boy so you can see with your own eyes, he's fine."

"Dean, you don't have to carry me," she giggled. "I can walk."

"I know you can, sugar, but this way it's easier for me to cop a feel," I joked, giving her curvy butt a little pinch.

"You're such a brute," she teased, smiling as she gave me a peck on the cheek. "But you're my big brute and I love ya."

Setting her down outside Alex's door, I turned the knob slowly and opened it just far enough so it wouldn't squeak.

"He looks so peaceful and innocent," she hummed softly.

"They all do when they're sleeping," I sassed. "That's so you forget about all the shit they put you through while they were awake," I laughed, resting my hand on Amy's butt.

She turned toward me after another minute watching her boy peacefully slumber, now apparently satisfied he not only survived his first spanking from me, but was perfectly alright.

"Come on," she said, taking my hand and leading me down the hall.

"Where are we going?" I asked, happily following along.

"I'm giving you the green light, Mr. Winchester."

"Vroom vroom," I replied, revving my engine as I gave her ass a pert slap. 

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