2 - eye contact

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- Alyssa -

My eyes examined the hallway as i followed after the teacher. Everything looked so modern and just better than my last school appeared as. "I'll show you the library. We'll get your books and then we have the performance. I'm sure you read about it on the schools website, right?" The woman explained, giving me multiple glances to make sure i was listening.

"Oh. I'm still not signed into it. The principal gave me the schedule paper instead." I showcased it with a questionable smile. "Right. You're new. Takes time. Well it's just a quick 40 minute performance some students will show on stage. You just have to absorb and later will have to write about it in the drama class." She politely said and we finally arrived to the library.

"Are you performing too?" I asked and walked in before her. "Oh no! I'm not a student," she chuckled out, "i'm there to check if everything goes as in the script."

"Right! You're a teacher." I awkwardly mumbled out. "Does that surprise you? Do i look too young to be one?" The woman formed an intrigued smile. "No! It's not about the age. You just look.." I broke my comment short, catching my dumb thoughts and not letting them be spoken out loud.

"I look?" We stopped at a desk and she got the chance to face me fully now. "Yeah. That's what i wanted to say. You look young."

"You're cute." Her light laugh came at me and i held back my everything to not grow red to her comment. "Hi, Ms Herris. How can i help you?" The voice of the librarian broke the moment apart and she innocently glanced between the two of us.

"This girl, uhh, what was your name again?"


"Yes. Alyssa. She's the new student and George said the subject books are ready for her here."

"Give me a second. I'll be on that." The girl rushed away just as quick as she appeared and that left the both of us in silence.

"May i ask, why have you turned up already two weeks into September?" The teacher asked and i had no choice but to look up at her again. "Vacation period extended for the sake of my father."

"Oh? Why is that?"

"He got a job opportunity there so used the chance to make extra before we came back."

"Interesting. What about your mom? Was she working too?"

God. This conversation is going too deep into my trauma.

"She doesn't have a job. Stay at home mom." Nonetheless i showcased a wide smile whilst admitting. "Not bad. At least you have someone that greets you warmingly in the morning before school." The woman continued.

"I wish that was the case." I mumbled beneath my breath, breaking the eye contact. "What was that?"

"No, i just said you're right. She does-"

"Found the books. Here you go." The librarian spoke out, laying them down in front of me. I opened my backpack and organized them in.

The both of us left and stopped by my locker, having me load them all in before we finally made it to the drama class.

The door was opened, revealing a large room, seats occupied everywhere you look. "Just find yourself a seat, sweetheart. I have to be at the front." Her hand ever so slightly brushed on my arm, my feet literally glueing to the floor as i watched her walk along the wall and away.

I looked back at all the chairs. Absolutely nothing to take so i moved forward at the back wall, deciding to just stand for 40 fucking minutes.

- - -
Jeez. Already two weeks into the new school year and students have to perform for drama class? If the damn homework will be this rough and overwhelming then i'll be dead before i know it.

My eyes slowly left the stage though and i caught a glimpse of Ms Herris standing just in the distance. Notepad in hand as she's scribbling away.

I wonder how strict she is? Her regular tone already has a speck of dominance so imagine what it would be like if she yelled in class or better yet.. screamed my name in bed.

Oh my god! I swear i was too damn isolated in my hotel room on the vacation. Hadn't even gotten a chance to see any girls then but when i did, i stared and stared. Not even bothering about the fact that my homophobic parents were just next to me.

And what was i doing now? Fucking staring at my teacher but the only difference now were my absent parents and sadly enough the woman wasn't in a bikini or barely dressed next to a pool.

My gaze dropped down her body, the dim lights in here still perfectly showcasing her figure. She truly looked young but maybe she's blessed? I mean the modern clothes and smooth face easily blocks out her looking older then maybe.. 27? Highest guess 30 but who knows. Makeup is magic and the talent you can have with making yourself look younger is insane nowadays.

Dear god! I'm just 17! Well one month until a legal age but.. why am i still looking at her like i'd let her bang me on her desk like i've never been fucked before?!

I travelled my stare back up her figure. And there it was, my biggest regret appearing as i caught her looking back at me with a smile.

I formed an embarrassed smile myself but she kept looking. Of fucking hell.. How coincidental is it for her to suddenly find me? Find my eyes when there's so many people around? Well i guess i am the only one standing at the back of the room so maybe that explains it.

I was literally glowing with vulnerability and i had no choice but to be the first to look away and back on the stage.


My Teacher, Ms HerrisWhere stories live. Discover now