Self-proclaimed ~ Ch77

Start from the beginning

The painting was painted from the perspective of the female, staring at the male as their cups came together for their toast. What was special about this painting was that there was a certain colour covering the entire of the male's body- an aura. It was a pinkish colour that I've never seen within an aura before, yet it suited his smile so well.
"This painting..." I mumbled to myself, my footsteps coming to a halt. My voice alerted the vendor of the stall, who was an old lady.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" She asked with a smile as she stood from her stool.
"It is..." I mumbled as I approached the painting. The closer I got, the surer I was that it was an aura that was surrounding the man. But what emotion was that? I'd never seen an emotion that was that colour before? It was so beautiful.
"This painting is said to show how a (L/n) saw people." The old lady began, capturing my attention, "They saw auras of emotion, each emotion a different colour."

"And this colour? What does this pink represent?" I asked the lady curiously.
"Love." The lady smiled, making my eyes widen momentarily. Love? Pink was love? I went silent as my eyes drifted back to the painting on the floor. Beside it was a painting of two children playing, both of them covered in a purple aura, excitement. On the other side was an old lady drinking tea, her aura a sky blue- content. This whole collection was through the eyes of a (L/n).

"How much for this painting?" I then asked her, motioning to the painting showing the pink aura. The lady grinned as she lifted the painting onto the table.
"For you, I'll give it to you fo-" The vendor trailed off when her eyes set on the two curse users behind me. Her eyes flickered to their uniform, seeing the red kimonos that only Sukuna's curse users wore. My body stiffened when I saw recognition within her aura. Not everybody in Japan was a supporter of Sukuna, I knew that. But usually you could tell instantly based off their look of admiration or look of loathing.

By this lady's facial expression, I was unable to tell if she was a fan of Sukuna's or not. She just seemed cautious, her brows furrowing.
"You are the curse users of Lord Sukuna, yes?" The lady then asked, making me exhale with relief. Only supporters referred to him as Lord Sukuna as opposed to Ryomen Sukuna or even as the king of curses.

"We are." Watari answered stoically.
"Then, why are you here?" The lady asked with confusion, her eyes now flickering from them to me, now seeming to notice that I had one curse user on either side of me and that they were both holding my purchases.
"Are they here with you?" The vendor asked me, making me nod in confirmation.

"May I ask why?" The lady asked me again. Before I can answer, the younger curse user answered in my place.
"We have been hired to guard her." The younger curse user answered, Tachiro was his name if I remembered correctly. The old lady seemed to pause at this new information, her eyes traveling back to me. Her aura shimmered with confusion as well as realisation.
"Then that means that..." She trailed off, her eyes widening.

"You're the girl that they're all talking about...the one who's declared herself Lord Sukuna's queen?" The lady asked. Declared herself? I did not give myself that title. In all honesty, I still wasn't sure I deserved such a role. But I would not bring this up with Sukuna- he would not be pleased to know that I still had doubts about myself. He didn't seem to like it very much when I did.

"Well..." I mumbled, not sure how to tell her that it wasn't a role that I picked for myself. One cannot just announce themselves queen- especially not the queen of Ryomen Sukuna. That would truly be a preposterous notion. At my hesitation, the lady's aura reckled with red, anger simmering within her.
"Are you or are you not?!" She hissed, making me read back. Why was she suddenly so angry?

"" I confirmed with furrowed brows.
"Then it was you who ordered Tsumiko's girls to be killed. Do you think so highky of yiurself that you must hire curse users to guard you?!" The old lady hissed taking a step towards me menacingly. I paused. She thinks I did what?
"W-what?" I stammered baffledly.
"They left at dawn to beg the Lord to work under him. A few hours ago we received the news that his self-proclaimed queen had them killed." The lady hissed venomously.

My eyes widened when I realised who she was talking about. The three girl who had offered themselves as whores to Sukuna. I stumbled back in shock, dropping my bag of coins on the floor as my eyes began to water. I didn't think about the news that would travel back to their family after their deaths.
"I... that's not..." I didn't know what to say. How could I deny it when their death were indeed my fault?

"Tsumiko!" The lady called out, grasping another lady's attention. I turned to face Tsumiko, noticing how her face was pale. She looked weak and distraught.
"This is her! The wench that had your daughter's killed." The vendor growled. Tsumiko's eyes widened, anger flowing into her aura like a storm. Before I knew what had happened, a felt a stinging sensation across my cheek. Only a few seconds later when the curse users had jumbled infront of me, I realised that she had just slapped me.

"How dare you strik-" Watari was cut off by his own gasp as Tsumiko actived her cursed energy. Shadows suddenly lunged for all three of us, binding us tighty in bundles of restraints. I tugged against them with a gasp, only fir the shadows to become tighter. My eyes snapped to Tsumiko's with shock, her eyes staring angrily into mine. Her aura was a mix of anger and grief, and I knew that was never a good combination when jujustu was activated. Goosebumps covered my skin as she said,

"I'll burn you at the stake for your crimes against my family and your disrespect to Lord Sukuna's name."

(A.N ~ I've been incredible busy, so apologies for the rare updates recently. Keep an eye on my message board for announcements on delays and such.)

Chapter 78 Quote Teaser :

"The damn brat's gotten herself into trouble again."

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