Monster ~ Ch19

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(Y/n)'s Point Of View

"I guess this will be your new bedroom." Uraume told me as we walked into the main hall of the east wing. The main hall was at the centre of two corridors that led to dozens of other rooms in the east wing that apparently were not in use. The main hall was never meant to be a person's bedroom but usually a library or a room to host parties for guests. But as this was Sukuna's temple, a party was something that would never happen.

Sukuna's temple was made up of four wings, the north, east, west and south. The south wing was where I done all my duties and where most of the other workers who dealt with cursed objects or anything do to with jujutsu done their duties too. At the centre of all four wings was a massive hall which is referred to as the throne room, which is where Lord Sukuna is most of the time inside the temple.

I assumed that the east wing would be an exact replica of the south wing. But I was wrong. Though the layout was the same, the colour palette was not. The colours of the south wing were beige and black while the east was gold, beige and black. The gold made the room look incredibly rich and incredibly royal.
"It's so... magestic." I mumbled in awe, spinning around the room. There was a staircase at the back of the room which led to a little platform which I assumed a throne was supposed to be ontop of, similar to the throne room.

"Yes. Well, now that you are privileged enough to sleep in such a grand room, I expect that you follow Lord Sukuna's orders and stop falling asleep in the corridors." Uraume told me pointedly as she carried in a few futons in.
"Yes, ma'am." I mumbled, still spinning in fascination as she laid down the futons at the top of the stairs where the small platform was. I guess that was where I'd sleep then.

"Uraume..." I suddenly called out.
"Yes." She replied absent-mindedly, while straightening the futons so that they were in line with the pillars- all very presecise and symmetrical.
"Is it true that Sukuna does not use this side of his temple? It seems like such a waste." I asked her curiously, her fingers tracing along the golden pillars.

"It...was supposed to be given to the curse users that work for Lord Sukuna so that they may have somewhere to plan their missions and store their weaponry. But they much rathered the underground cells- somewhere darker and stuffier." Uruame explained to me, making me nod in understanding- not that I really understood. Why would anyone chose somewhere so dark and stuffy over a place covered in gold and marble?

"That seems like a great loss for them." I told her admittedly. Though, their loss was my gain apparently.
"They do not regret their choice. Another reason they were hesitant to take over the east wing was because of how close it is to the north wing- connected by a singular corridor." Uruame explained, pointing over to the door we'd just walked in from, making me look too and immediately fall into a state of realisation.

"Lord Sukuna's living quarters..." I mumbled in realisation, remembering from my mother's stories that the Lord's living quarters were among the north wing. Nobody dared go near it because the Lord was a light sleeper and killed anyone that walked too loudly past the north wing. So everyone entered the temple and exited through the south wing doors, leaving the front entrance mostly out of use.

That was another reason why this wing would be the ideal place for me to sleep. Even with all the doors open, there wasn't a single person brave enough to go near the north wing due to the promise of an angry Sukuna. Therefore the east wing was just as safe. Every door could be open and I'd be able to feel safe. Is that something the Lord also thought about when assigning me this new living space?

"Yes, indeed." She confirmed as she stood to her feet and walked down the steps towards where I stood, "Which you are to go knowhere near, understood?" I couldn't help but giggle, knowing this was serious and yet I knew myself better. I'd get curious enough one day to forget the repercussions, wouldn't I?
"I'll try my best." I promised with a smile, making Uraume glare at me.

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