Lying ~ Ch50

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3rd Point Of View

After being dismissed by Sukuna, (Y/n) warped to an empty field over ten miles away- just in case. The field was surrounded by crop farms and countryside, nothing but grass and trees- no people for her to hurt. (Y/n) dropped to her knees on the ground, clutching her lower stomach when the pain kicked in. She'd never been on her period without her cuffs on before.

Her period pains were usually excruciating, but it was always a relief to know that she was the only one who could feel them. Now it was different, no everyone could feel them. It was funny how when you start your period, the pain didn't really settle in untill you were aware that you were menstrating. That was exactly what happened today. And so after (Y/n) realise she was on her period, she had to rush to Sukuna and come up with an excuse to leave, before the pain could catch up- and by some miracle, she made it.

Now, here in this field, (Y/n) would lay until sunset- hopefully by then the pain would have dyed down and she'd have time to figure out what she'd do next. She didn't actually come to terms with what her next plan of action was- other than spending hours withering in pain on the ground with tears rolling down her cheeks. How would she go back to the temple without items from the painters market? How would she stand infront of Sukuna after lying to him like that?

Little did she know, Sukuna was wondering the same thing. Ever since (Y/n) had left, he'd been sitting in the same spot, wondering what the girl would have to lie to him about. That was the only possibility that explained why she suddenly felt guilty- it was a faint feeling, but he felt it. When meant that she tried to hide it, acensuating the fact that she was hiding something from him.

"My Lord, the curse users are-" Uraume came hurrying into the throne room, a panicked look on her face. Sukuna cut her off before she could say another word about things he did not care about.
"Did you feel her guilt too?" Sukuna asked Uraume with furrowed brows.
"What?" Uraume replied baffledly, making Sukuna look up at her.

"(Y/n). Did you feel her guilt too or was I imagining things?" Sukuna asked, making Uraume sigh. She had come in here to tell the Lord that two of his curse users were in the middle of an all out death match but seeing how concentrated he looked on a whole different matter, she was well aware that he'd leave them to die.
"I did." Uraume confirmed with a nod, having felt the girl's guilt for small waves that kept disappearing, which made it more odd.

"I also heard her call you by name...and I also saw watched you not scold her for it." Uraume the added slyly, her tone stoic but Sukuna could detect the pure curiosity. The man then looked at her with a venomous glare.
"Is there a problem, Uraume?" Sukuna then asked, his eyes narrowing on the lady who forced herself not to smile.
"Not at all, my Lord." She replied.

"Then if you don't have a problem, Uraume, then you can brainstorm with me on why the brat would feel guilty." Sukuna snapped, making the lady sigh. The two then fell into a deep silence as they both began thinking hard on why (Y/n) would feel suddenly guilty.
"Uraume... You pay the brat for her duties here, correct?" Sukuna suddenly asked, an idea crossing his mind.

"Yes, my Lord." Uraume confirmed, making Sukuna sigh with dissatisfaction.
"So then it couldn't be that she was lying about purchasing me something when she has the money for it." Sukuna muttered, "Though, I wouldn't care either way. That fact that she'd find anything that would suit my expensive tastes at the painters market is truly absurd." At that sudden fact, Uraume lifted her head with confusion.

"Painter's market?" Uraume echoed baffledly.
"Yes, she's off to buy painting supplies at the market opening which is apparently today." Sukuna sighed, "Do not worry, I told her to be back by sunset. But knowing her, she'll make me retrieve her again. Fussy brat."
"My lord..." Uraume muttered hesitantly, gulping.
"What is it?" Sukuna asked her.
"The painters Market isn't opening until next week..." Uraume told him slowly, biting her lip.
"...What?" Sukuna asked lowly, making Uraume gulp before saying,

"(Y/n)...has lied to you, my Lord."

(A.N ~ Why do I always start writing before meeting my friends and then get so into it that I ensure that I'm late?)

Chapter 51 Quote Teaser :

"So this is what I've been reduced to? A stomach warmer?"

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