Sentimental ~ Ch45

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3rd Point Of View

"The next visitor is the chief of the Danzai Village, my Lord." The curse user announced as he entered the room, his eyes immediately locking on the (Y/n) who sat contently one the floor by Sukuna's throne, painting without care of what was going on around her. Sukuna cleared his throat loudly, making the curse user snap out of his daze.
"Let him in." Sukuna demanded, making the curse user nod before motioning for the person behind him to enter the room.

The village chief was an old man, one who looked as if he could barely walk properly. And the fact that he'd stayed all day in the freezing cold to get his enquiry attended to, suggested to Sukuna that this man was desperate.
"My Lord!" The old man called out desperately as he entered, making Sukuna sigh boredly. It was no fun if he could guess their desperatiom before they even spoke.

"What is it?" Sukuna replied boredly, leaning his head back momentarily as he exhaled with exhaustion.
"I have come to begging for assistance!" The chief exclaims, "My village is plagued by curses. People are dying- people who are loyal supporters to you, my Lord! I beg of you to help us. We are just a small village, you see."

The man continued to speak with pure desperation, making Sukuna space out. The village chiefs lips were moving and Sukuna was too bored to process the information he was saying. As the old man spoke, Sukuna looked down at (Y/n) to his side. She didn't look like she was listening either, too invested in her painting of a phoenix which admittedly was very good. The man did not realise she was such a talented artist until recently, when she'd painted the image of a man with a single tear running down his face last week.

But this painting had so much more engraved into it- more than what first met the eye. Sukuna could tell how much this painting meant to her. The man was impressed by her skill.
"-and so please, my lord. I beg of you to help us!" The man finished, snapping Sukuna out of his trance. Only now did he notice two more curse users stood in the room by the doors, standing guard in case this man were to suddenly attack.

"Do you have any sons?" Sukuna suddenly asked, confusing the village chief at the question.
"Y-yes...two, my lord." The man replied hesitantly, not understanding the significance on this piece of knowledge.
"And are they of age?" Sukuna then proceeded to ask the chief.
"N-no, not yet. They are just shy of seventeen- twins!" The chief replied.

"Then next year, when they are eighteen, they are to join my group of curse users." Sukuna then replied, making the old man's eyes turn glossy with shock.
"W-what?" The man stuttered out.
"You need my help? That is my price." Sukuna replied simply, "I'm going to need a new curse user very soon- and what better than have two take his place? Your children will get the proper changing before I send them off to do my bidding, do not worry. But they will be under my command- that is, if you truly want my help?"

"Y-yes. I do! I accept!" The man stammered out, feeling guilty but he knew he was doing the best for his village. Sukuna waved him off boredly with a sigh while nodding.
"Good. Now get out of my sight." Sukuna muttered without interest, his eyes falling back to (Y/n) who had just now began working on the details of the feather of her phoenix's tail.

"Bring the next one in." Sukuna muttered to the curse users, not paying attention long enough to heard if they'd replied or if the old man had left yet. He was entranced by the way (Y/n) used her quill, flickering it to create such intricate patterns.
"The tail should be longer." Sukuna then pointed out to her, noticing how her version of the phoenix wasn't entirely accurate in sizing.

A few moments passed and (Y/n) did not at all reply, having not heard him as she was in her own little world, blocking out all the voices, making Sukuna narrow his eyes on her with annoyance.
"I don't appreciate being ignored, brat." Sukuna hissed, making (Y/n) perk up at his mention of the word 'brat', realising that he was speaking to her.
"Huh? I'm sorry, what was that my Lord?" (Y/n) asked innocently as she sat up, looking up at Sukuna with doe eyes.

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