Trap ~ Ch57

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3rd Point Of View

"How long do you think it will take them to steal the ring?" (Y/n) softly asked Sukuna the moment everyone in the room had filed out. When they were all gone, Uruame stepped into the room and waited by the door quietly, which usually signalled that she had something to say privately to Sukuna. For now, Sukuna ignored her and focused on (Y/n).

"Maybe a week...maybe more. I could care less. At least they won't be banging at my doors asking for a new leader every five minutes." Sukuna sighed, relieved that they were all gone. "Like does it really matter who leads them?"
"They need someone to turn to when they feel lost. A leader provides comfort and stability." (Y/n) told the man pointedly, making Sukuna narrow his eyes at her, glaring intensly.

"Sorry, Sukuna." (Y/n) mumbled with a frown, looking down at the floor, sensing that he didn't like her answer. "I just mean that a leader is necessary. It takes a lot to be a good leader." At that answer, Sukuna crossed his arms over his chest with a raised brow.
"And tell me, who do you think is a good leader by your standards?" Sukuna asked her pointedly, making (Y/n) him in thought.

"Well, I guess I'd pick (L/n) Yukimo." (Y/n) began, taking Sukuna off-guard. He didn't think she'd be brave enough to answer him honestly. "I only met the man once when I was just a child so I don't remember him too vividly. But he was a great leader. He cared for everyone in my clan as if they were all practically his own children." Sukuna bit the inside of his cheek angrily, not used to hearing (Y/n) speak highly of anyone other than Sukuna himself.

"And yet he died the same, just like the rest of them." Sukuna snapped, making (Y/n) pause. Sukuna looked at her almost nervously when he realised that she wasn't replying to his words.
"I suppose that's true." She finally answered with a small nod, calming Sukuna's nerves. Why is it suddenly he thinks twice after saying something that could hurt her feelings?

"Sukuna." (Y/n) called out, grasping Sukuna's attention. "When your curse users retrieve Yukimo's ring, what will you do with it?" At this curious question, Sukuna felt the need to smirk and yet so patiently held it back, feigning extreme disinterest and boredom.
"Probably throw it with the rest of my cursed junk. It's not something I'll find use for." Sukuna said nonchalantly, making (Y/n) gasp.

"You can't!" (Y/n) objected loudly, scaring herself with her loudness, and suprising Uraume who now looked nervous. Sukuna raised a brow at her abrupt objection, tilting his head at her.
"Oh, really? And why is that?" Sukuna asked, making (Y/n) gulp.
"W-well... it's valuable." The girl mumbled, suddenly losing confidence when she realised that she'd just yelled at Sukuna.

"To whom?" Sukuna retorted.
"Me..." (Y/n) then whispered, "It's not just junk to me... it's part of my history. I'm the only (L/n) left and that ring is practically part of me. I...would hate for you to just disgard it like it was trash." Sukuna hummed at her admittance, almost impressed by her bravery to admit that to him. But at this point, he should be aware that (Y/n) has learned how to confront him confidently.

"Then you keep it, if you care that much." Sukuna told her dismissively, waving her off as he stood up from his throne and began stepping down the steps. "And since you're feeling better, I'd like you to clean the temple today. My staff will not be back until tomorrow." Sukuna paused for a moment where he stood, waiting to see if (Y/n) would object. But she didn't, only nodding at him. Sukuna sighed, dissapointed that she didn't object to the menial task that was clearly beneath her. She wasn't there just yet, he guessed. But maybe soon.

With that, Sukuna walked into the corridoors and motioned for Uraume to follow behind him so that they may talk. As Sukuna reached the end of the hallway, he couldn't help but let his smirk slip across his features, unable to hold his amusement back anymore.
"She fell right into my trap." Sukuna grinned to himself, confusing Uraume.
"What trap, my Lord?" Uraume questioned.

"The (L/n) ring, I knew she'd want it. It is one of the only cursed objects that would interest a (L/n)." Sukuna hummed, "But I knew she would never just take it for herself if she knew that I also thought the ring was a valuable cursed object."
"But why would she want such an item when all it does is inflict pain and suffering?" Uraume asked, suddenly confused. If there was one thing (Y/n) hated, it was inflicting pain on others.

"Well, that's not all it does, Uraume." Sukuna grinned, darkness glinting in his eyes that made Uraume want to shiver.
"I'm not sure that I'm following you, my lord." The white haired lady admitted slowly.
"Think, Uraume." Sukuna ordered, turning towards her with a pointed look. "The (L/n) clan leader used the ring to absorb all his and his family's pain during the massacre so that he may distribute it to his enemies...which means that ring has two uses."

At that, something lit up within Uraume, suddenly realising what Sukuna meant.
"Absorbing pain..." She whispered, making Sukuna chuckle.
"Exactly." Sukuna cackled loudly.
"And what can the brat not stand sharing with others?" Sukuna then questioned towards Uraume.
"Pain..." Uraume mumbled, "You think she can use that ring to absorb her own pain so that she won't hurt others." Sukuna smirked as he said,

"Now, you get it."

(A.N ~ Major angst countdown : Two chapters...)

Chapter 58 Quote Teaser :

"Are to yell at me?"

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