Replacement ~ Ch7

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3rd Point Of View

The rest of (Y/n)'s day went on exactly the way the rest of her days here had, exept her brief trip to the market to buy more ink. When she came back, she continued her translations outside in the halls. (Y/n) was far more comfortable here than she was sitting at that desk, trapped in a corner with multiple scroll shelves stacked around her. By the time nine p.m.came, she hadn't even noticed- at least, not until the Lord came marching down the halls.

"Again?" A voice hissed, making the girl look up. Her eyes met a set of angry red ones and then laid upon a disappointed Uraume who stood behind Lord Sukuna.
"You are in my way again?" Sukuna hissed, standing infront of her with his arms cross over his chest angrily.
"Does punishement mean nothing to you? Should I have them flog you instead?" He asked her with frustration.

(Y/n) bowed her head in apology to the lord before looking up at him again, doing a double take when the girl then realised he was wearing the scarf that she had repaired for him.
"You're wearing the scarf. Were my repairs sufficient then?" She asked him softly, hoping that she hadn't lost any of the skills her mother taught her. Sukuna looked at her incredulously, a look that she's gotten used to.

"You are the oddest woman I've ever met." Sukuna told her, lowering himself to her height. The girl had to ignore the anticipation bubbling at her chest with the lord being so close to her.
"Is that against your rules, my Lord?" She then asked him, making him scoff with amusement and say, "No, I suppose it is not one of my rules."

Uraume began shaking her head with a loud disappointed sigh, deadpanning. The audacity if this girl was beyond her.
"Despite being odd, I do my tasks efficiently, do I not?" (Y/N) asked him rhetorically, knowing that the lord most definitely did not know about her tasks.
"But you are not here for the tasks, are you? Why are you really here in my service?" Sukuna then asked her curiously, his anger no longer showing. That was because he was actually now curious.

"I am here because I love my mother dearly. And you were very important to her." (Y/n) told him softly. He hummed.
"Ah, you mentioned so yesterday, didn't you? She worked as part of my staff, I presume. What was her role?" Sukuna asked, making the girl beam on the inside with pride. Her mother would be so happy to know that the Lord was asking questions about her.

"She was your translator, my Lord. For the Chinese scrolls." (Y/n) replied to him. At that the lord paused, thinking on it. The translator? He supposed that he briefly remembers her mother. He saw glimpses of her every now and then when she'd scurry out if the scroll room exactly at nine pm when he himself was just about to enter. She was old and unlike her daughter, knew her place. But now that he thought of it, it has been a while since he saw her.

"Ah, and what happened to your mother?" Sukuna asked bluntly, not honestly caring but he didn't want to have to find a new translator. People who knew how to read Chinese were quite rare to come by.
"She's dead. She died last week, my Lord." (Y/n) replied stoically.
"Oh. I feel like I should have known that last week, Uraume." Sukuna glared, looking back at Uruame who bowed in apology.

"I apologise, my Lord. I saw no need in troubling you when I'd already found a replacement." Uraume replied.
"Fair enough." Sukuna replied casually as he looked back at (Y/n).
"And so I'm guessing you're the replacement then?" Sukuna asked, making (Y/n) nod in confirmation. Now understanding why she was always inside the scroll room and always sat beside the door.

"Yes, My Lord." (Y/n) replied, making Sukuna raise his brow challengingly.
"A young thing like you knows how to read Chinese?" Sukuna asked her.
"I do, my Lord." The girl answered, not elaborating on how she was actually taught. Sukuna chuckled darkly, deciding that he'd save that question for another time and focus on something else instead- maybe something that would put some kind of emotion on that blank face of hers?

"And how is it that your mother died?" The king of cursed asked with a grin.
"She was killed by a curse." (Y/n) replied stoically.
"Ah, pesky little things, aren't they?" He teased, "Tell me, did you cry when she died? When you heard the news, did you cry? How was it you found out?"
"I saw it happen, my Lord." (Y/n) told him, without a hint of grief on her face.
"Oh, how traumatic !" Sukuna grinned, "And? Tell me, did you cry?" At that, (Y/n) shook her head in denial.

"No, my Lord." She replied. With her answer, Sukuna sensed all truth and no lies. He paused, his wide grin slowly fading.
"Uraume." Sukuna then suddenly called out to the lady.
"Yes, Lord Sukuna." Uraume answered instantly.
"Has the brat ever cried infront of you? During any of her punishements?" Sukuna then asked, his brows furrowed.
"No, my lord." Uraume answered truthfully.

"Then make the next punishement hotter. Boil the water until you see tears." Sukuna ordered sternly as he stood to his feet, glowering down at the girl, no longer amused by her any longer. Uraume freezed at the request, knowing that would not be possible- not with those cuff around (Y/n)'s wrists.
" Lord..." Uraume muttered. Before she could get anything else at, Sukuna waved her away.

"Now, that's enough of that. I have business to attend to." Sukuna said boredly before warping away, a gust of red, hot fire enveloping him. When he left, the two girl's stared at each other in tense silence. Uraume then sighed as she looked down at the (Y/n)'s metal cuffs around her wrists.
"For your next punishment... we'll need to remove your cuffs." Uraume told the girl exactly what she was hoping not to hear.

"But..." (Y/n)'s face was blank as she weakly objected, but Uraume knew she felt panic on the inside.
"I'll evacuate everyone from the temple during your punishement. How far does your effect reach?" Uraume asked the girl, hoping she would have a similar radius to the effect of her mother's.
"Six miles..." (Y/n) whispered. At that, Uraume sighed loudly before saying,

"Why is it that since you arrived my job has been getting harder?"

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Chapter 8 Quote Teaser :

"You must evacuate too, Uraume-San. It will effect you too."

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