Cramps ~ Ch51

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3rd Point Of View

Sukuna spent the last ten minutes warping in the areas surrounding his temple, from six to eight miles away. Knowing (Y/n), if something was wrong then she'd warp somewhere where her reach could not at all venture within Sukuna's temple grounds. As he warped across yards and feilds, he made sure to be aware of everytjing he was feeling- minus the anger he was currently feeling. If he felt anything like sadness or grief- then that would reveal that (Y/n) was nearby.

Sukuna tried to ignore the fact that hew as seething with fury. He'd find her soon, and he could take it out on her then. But right now, he needed to find out where she'd gone. That was his top priority. Through the entire time he searched, Sukuna found himself wondering why (Y/n) felt the need to lie to him- to hide things from him. Still? After all he knew about her life, how could there possibly be anything more that she felt the need to hide?

Sukuna attempted to trace her cursed energy traces also, but one could only sense cursed energy traces from around nine or less miles away, decreasing depending on how little cursed energy the person used. Warping was a pretty high level technique, so Sukuna should feel where she'd warped to the moment he got within nine miles of where she ended up- unless the brat somehow knew how to hide her cursed energy traces, which Sukuna was starting suspect that she did.

After another ten minutes of searching, Sukuna began wondering if she fled him. That would explain why she had run and lied to him about it. If that was the case, would Sukuna ever find her again? Would he still chase after her knowing that she didn't want to be found? But why? Why would she flee? He gave her everyone she needed for herself; a place to sleep, work, money, knowledge to deepen her cursed techniques. So surely she wouldn't run from that, not when she and her mother admired him so much.

Sukuna began to spiral, conspiracies running through his mind alongside self-doubt. After a while, he felt like he was losing his mind. He bit the inside of his cheek angrily, his eyes flickering left and right to try and spot her among the countryside view. He then warped a few miles further away from his temple, deciding to broaden his search. After warping another five miles away, he stopped in the middle of the nice wheat farm.

It was then that he suddenly felt pain like he'd never felt before. Due to his power level, he didn't feel the girl's aura to the same extent others did. But this? This was a whole new type of pain. Sukuna hissed as he looked down at his abdomen, feeling as if he'd been stabbed straight through the stomach. That's when he froze. No...surely not. Sukuna's eyes widened as he looked up at the distance, everything feeling as if it were in slow motion.

"(Y/n)!" Sukuna yelled, looking around frantically. Had she been attacked? But how could she have hid this pain infront of him when she lied to him? Unless it happened after she'd fled- like she knew it would happen? Did she know this would happen? Was it planned? The more he thought about it, the more frantic he became, his head flicking left to right.

It was then that he noticed a little red ball further down the field. (Y/n)'s kimono. Sukuna then warped to the little red ball, finding out that it was indeed (Y/n). She was curled into a little ball, her arms cradling her stomach as she cried into the grass. Now that he was closer, Sukuna's pain increased. But luckily, he had a high threshold for pain. Sukuna's eyes locked on (Y/n)'s stomach trying to see if he could see a weapon sticking out of it.

"Show me." Sukuna demanded, trying to pry the girl's arms away from her stomach but she wouldn't budge, her eyes still clenched shut as she whined.
"N-no." She said withering in pain, "I-It's not what y-you- ah!" The girl cut herself of with a loud grunt of pain, tightening herself into a smaller ball, tears running down her cheeks. Sukuna growled at her disobedience before roughly yanking her arms away from her stomach.

"It wasn't a question." Sukuna growled as he locked eyes on her stomach. He didn't flinch when untying the girl's kimono, glaring her into submission when she tried to complain. Sukuna untied her hadajuban untill he could see her bare skin. His brows furrowed with confusion when he saw that there was no wound in sight.
"I don't understand...I feel your pain and yet there is no wound." Sukuna muttered with confusion, his fingers grazing lightly against the girl's skin until it simply just laid rest at her lower stomach.

"S-Sukuna... it's just c-cramps." The girl stammered out, feeling too much pain to be embarrassed by the fact. Sukuna's brows knotted together baffledly.
"Cramps?" Sukuna echoed out. Cramps from what? He couldn't be working her that hard, could he?
"Yes, I'm m-menstrating." (Y/n) groaned out, rolling onto her back as he wheezed with pain, her forehead sweating.

Sukuna paused as he processed this information. Connecting the severity of her pain to menstration cramps was not something he'd thought of. He hadn't realised women felt such pain while menstrating. He understood that they felt pain in their lower stomachs but he assumed that they all complained about it simply because their threshold for pain was not as high as his. But this pain? This was nothing like he'd expected. Was this why she left? So nobody would have to feel this pain too?

"And this is why you lied to me?" Sukuna found himself asking, feeling the need for confirmation on his theory. And once it was confirmed when (Y/n) nodded, making Sukuna relieved instantly.
"I knew the p-pain was coming so I needed to leave the temple. I was scared that I'd k-kill someone." (Y/n) whimpered, making Sukuna growl angrily before reaching to roughly grab her face, forcing her to look at him.

"How many damned time have I told you that-" Sukuna cut himself off with an angry groan, his eyes rolling back with pure frustration. When the man looked back at (Y/n), he noticed that her tears were collecting in her eyes, making them look so glossy and innocent.
"P-please don't be upset with m-me. I just d-didn't want them to get hurt because of me." The girl whimpered, tears begining to roll down her cheeks.

Sukuna gave in immediately, his anger instantly dissapearing when he felt her genuine regret and sadness radiate through to him.
"Okay! Okay, fine! Stop that!" Sukuna snapped, using his free hand to quickly wipe her tears away. She didn't yet know the power she held over him when she had tears running down her cheeks. As he continued to rest on hand on her stomach, Sukuna began to fall into deep thought. What was he supposed to do now?

"Well, I clearly cannot allow you to stay here in this state." Sukuna mumbled to himself with a sigh, feeling her pain increase by the second. If someone were to attack her, she'd just die, unable to protect herself while in this state.
"You have to leave me here." (Y/n) protested with a whimper, making Sukuna roll his eyes. Like he'd ever listen to what nonsense she least, not if it's against what's good for her. For that, Sukuna did not at all mind being the bad guy.

With a snap of his fingers, the man summoned Uraume, warping her here within a gust of flames. The moment she showed up, she yelled with pain and fell onto her knees. Sukuna was almost impressed how easily (Y/n) could effect even the most powerful people.
"Uraume, dismiss all the staff members on site, including yourself. I want you all gone in five minutes and don't return until tomorrow." Sukuna then demanded.
"Y-yes, my Lord." Uraume replied through gritted teeth.

Sukuna then snapped his fingers, warping the lady back to the temple I'm a burst of red flames. With a sigh, Sukuna then looked back at (Y/n), only to realise she was asleep, his hands gripping onto Sukuna's arms- the same hand that was pressed against her bare stomach, his natural warmth originating from his cursed technique sinking into her stomach.

Sukuna tutted his teeth as he tried to pull his arms away from her, only for her to begin whining loudly, fussing around.
"Fine, fine." Sukuna muttered as he rolled his eyes, returning his hand back to her stomach bedrudgingly.
"That what you wanted, brat?" Sukuna asked her with a glare, knowing she wouldn't reply since she was fast as asleep. Sukuna then sighed and got comfortable on the ground beside her cross-legged. He then looked up into the sky as he said,

"So this is what I've been reduced to? A stomach warmer."

(A.N ~ Soft Sukuna do be the best.)

Chapter 52 Quote Teaser :

"There's blood everywhere, (Y/n)! You women are so damned selfish! Do you not think about the people around you before you bleed so disgustingly?"

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