Care ~ Ch38

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3rd Point Of View

True to her word, (Y/n) left the safety of Sukuna's temple around early afternoon. She'd been gone for almost four hours now, and nobody could feel her absence more than Sukuna himself. With (Y/n) not there, everything and everyone in that temple suddenly felt bleak and dull. With every room he went to, he was bored and absolutely nothing could fill that void.

Sukuna practically counted the seconds until sunset, knowing that that was when he'd ordered the girl to be back by. And as insolent as she was, she never purposely went again direct orders that concerned her own safety or the safety of others. So Sukuna waited in the throne room until sunset, leaving the doors open so that he'd spot her walking down the hallway long before she entered the room.

But even after the sun had gone down, the girl had yet to return. The sky was a blood red and so very close into changing into blue as night back rolling in. Her time limit had run out, she why had she not returned yet? For a moment, Sukuna wondered if she'd been hurt. But her home village was only four miles from here, so if she'd been hurt, surely Sukuna and everyone else in this temple would feel it too.

"Uraume." Sukuna mumbled, talking to the lady who stood stoically by the door. Sukuna had summoned her into the throne room almost ten minutes ago and had yet to say a word until now.
"Yes, my Lord." Uraume replied.
"What time of the day would you say it is?" Sukuna asked dully, his eyes locked on the hallway where he could see light peeking through open shutters, the light slowly fading as the sun lowered itself further down.

"I'd say that it's just after sunset, my Lord." Uruame replied, making Sukuna hum in agreement.
"Right...and the brat, do you see her anywhere or am I just blind?" Sukuna asked her with a raised brow. Uruame fought the urge to sigh, already seeing why she was summoned here.
"I... do not see her, my Lord." The white haired lady confirmed begrudgingly.

"Which means that she disobeyed a direct order, no? I told her to be back before sunset and she completely disregarded my words." Sukuna told her incredulously, forcing a small sigh out of Uruame as she nodded in confirmation.
"Indeed, my Lord." She replied. Sukuna clicked his tongue with frustration, his eyes flickering towards the hallway that was still empty.

"What village was she from again?" Sukuna then asked suddenly, making Uruame's eyes widen with surprise. Why would this information be important... unless he planned to retrieve her?
"Shimutsui Village, my Lord- b-but surely you do not plan to go yoursel-" Uraume was cut off when Sukuna warped away in a gust of flames.

Admittedly, Sukuna had only been to Shimutsui Village once- around a decade ago. It was so long ago, he didn't even remember why he'd gone. But the only place he remembered about it was the village centre, so that was where he appeared after warping. As he burst into town in a gust of flames, people gasped and stumbled back. A few of their cheeks were burnt, as if they'd cried fire. Odd. But Sukuna brusjed it off, his eyes flickering left and right to see if he could spot the girl anywhere. With her red kimono, it should be easy.

But after a few moments, he realised she wasn't there. So instead of trying to find her without a plan, Sukuna realised that he should have started by following her cursed energy traces. He was such an idiot. Why didn't he think of that sooner? Sukuna rolled his eyes before focusing on her cursed energy traces, realising that he felt that familiar energy from a place not far from here. With a grin, Sukuna immediately warped to it. Once he found her, she'd get one hell of a scolding.

Sukuna then warped to what he at first thought looked like a field. Soon, the man realised that it definitely was not a field.
"A cemetery?..." Sukuna whispered to himself, seeing the cheap wooden plaques, carving of names engraved into every since one of them including two dates. Sukuna could only assume one date was their date of birth and the other their date of death.

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