Services ~ Ch74

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Double update!

3rd Point Of View

Almost an hour went past when (Y/n) finally started groggily waking up, the voices in the room just as hazy as her vision. The girl couldn't help but close her eyes again when the rays of sunlight attacked her vision the exact moment that her eyes began fluttering open.
"My Lord, the next three women are from the Sano Village. They've travelled for three hours to meet you today." Uraume called out.

"Three hours? I'm honoured." Sukuna replied sarcastically as three sets of footsteps entered the room.
"My Lord, good afternoon." A soft-spoken lady said, her voice coaxing (Y/n) into slightly opening her eyes to look at the new arrivals- three of them. She was too tired to question what was going on, she could only assume that Sukuna was attending to his usual duties while she was asleep. Honestly, she didn't even remember falling asleep. But considering how exhausted she felt, she understood why she'd fall asleep.

"Cut the pleasantries. What do you want? There's a thousand other things I'd rather be doing right now." Sukuna replied boredly, rolling his eyes. His thumb continued to boredly trace patterns into (Y/n)'s thigh, something that (Y/n) hadn't noticed until after she yawned. She wasn't even really sure if she was awake right now, her eyes threatening to close again.

"We have come to offer you our services, my Lord." Another of the three said, deciding to take the leadership role among the three women. It was best that way since she seemed much more confident compared to the other two.
"Services, you say?" Sukuna echoed with an amused chuckle, "And what is it that you'd be servicing me with?" Even (Y/n) found herself curious, one of her eyes open and locked on the women- the other had closed, ridden with sleepiness.

"We've heard that you are in need of new whores. The three of us are sisters- all virgin. We'd be honoured to offer you our bodies." The lady spoke, making Sukuna burst out in laughter.
"I see!" He grinned with entertainment. As the king of curses laughed, (Y/n) whined softly at the proposal, gently pushing her head off Sukuna's chest to take a better look at these women.
"What?" (Y/n) objected softly with a whine, her voice barely audible.

Sukuna looked down at (Y/n) with a smirk, now seeing that she'd woken up.
"Perfect timing, little (L/n). Why don't you join the conversation?" Sukuna offered, his eyes glinting with delight.
"Sukuna, what's going on?" She asked him, a frown on her face as she looked at the women infront of Sukuna's throne.
"Well, these three would like to become my new whores. What do you think?" Sukuna asked as he looked back up at the sisters.

"Oh...would you look at that? They're stripping." Sukuna mumbled, his smirk fading into a look of boredom- as if they'd taken the fun out of things. (Y/n) gasped as she watched the women strip out of their kimonos, letting it fall to the floor. They were completely bare underneigh, standing before Sukuna with confidence and purpose. (Y/n) did not know what to say.

"You haven't given me an answer to my question, little (L/n)." Sukuna prodded, his smirk returning when he looked down at the girl's speechless expression. (Y/n) didn't know what to say because she didn't know if she had a say. A king was entitled to whores weren't they? Was she allowed to stop him? Was that in her place as he newly appointed role of queen? All she knew was that she didn't like the thought of women surrounding Sukuna.

"Should I hire them?" Sukuna teased, "I mean, you were the reason that I had to fire my last whores, remember?" (Y/n) gulped at his words, her eyes flickering from the first to the last sister with hesitancy. They were too skinny. Sukuna wouldn't even like that.
"What was it you told me that forced me to fire them again? That they feared me, no?" Sukuna asked, his hands slithering around (Y/n)'s waist, pulling her closer to him until his lips were right beside her ear.

"Tell me- that one over there, does she fear me?" Sukuna asked the girl with a smirk. (Y/n) gulped as she looked at the girl's aura- the one with the most confidence. By the deep purple that was that girl's aura, (Y/n) could instantly tell that she in fact did not fear Sukuna.
"Yes." (Y/n) said softly, lying. Sukuna smirked at her answer before humming.

"I see. What a shame." He sighed with faux sympathy before snapping his fingers, turning the girl into ash. (Y/n) jumped at the gust of fire, flicking in Sukuna's arms with a small gasp when she realised that the girl was dead because of her. The girl's sisters all screamed at the same time, one of them dropping to the floor with shock as the other began hyperventilating and sobbing at the death of her sister.

"I also find it important that a whore lusts for me. So tell me, the scrawny one on the floor, does she lust for me?" Sukuna then asked, making (Y/n) gulp. (Y/n) then shook her head slowly- this time not lying because now all she could sense from either of the girl was fear.

"No." (Y/n) told Sukuna, making his smirk turn into a grin. The man then snapped his fingers again and the girl one the floor became nothing but ash. This time, (Y/n) did not gasp- only slightly flinching. Sukuna noticed.
"And the last one over ther claims to be a virgin? Is that true?" Sukuna continued to ask.

"No." (Y/n) said firmly, lying before watching as the girl went up in flames. Sukuna smirked at the three piles of ash as (Y/n) buried her head back into his neck, clenching her eyes tightly.
"Well, that solves that issue." Sukuna mused with a slow chuckle.

"Uraume," Sukuna then called out, making the white haired lady take a few steps forward, "Have that cleaned and send everyone who still waits home." Uraume nodded at the order before turning on her heel, heading out.
"Oh, and Uraume?" Sukuna suddenly called out,

"Make it be known that from now on that anyone who comes to offer me their body will be turned to ash."

(A.N ~ :)

Chapter 75 Quote Teaser :

"I didn't know you could be so possessive, little one."

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