Leash ~ Ch76

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Double update, so please go back to the last chapter if you didn't get the notification. x

3rd Point Of View

After Sukuna spoke the words that (Y/n) wanted to hear, he left the girl to go about her afternoon as he went to take a bath. Admittedly, he would have like it if the girl joined him, but he knew that not a lot of cleaning would be done if she had. So, to kill some time, (Y/n) went to the scroll room and caught up on her translations which she'd admittedly been neglecting for the past few days.

With everything that had been going on, untranslated scrolls have been piling up on the shelves. So today, (Y/n) thought that she'd finally get around to doing her job. She sat in the corridor for almost an hour, knocking out almost three scrolls from her now enourmous pile.
"I thought I'd find you here." A voice mused from above the girl, snapping her out of her concentration, making her look up with surprise.

When her eyes connected with Sukuna's red ones, she smiled gleefully.
"Do you have a nice bath?" (Y/n) asked with a compassionate smile, making Sukuna chuckle at her endearment.
"I did." Sukuna confirmed, making (Y/n hum with approval as she looked down at her scrolls and continued to paint a few Japanese letters, her eyes flickering from the Chinese scrolls to the ones in her grip as she wrote.

"Why are you here, little (L/n)?" Sukuna finally asked as he leaned on the walls beside (Y/n), staring down at her with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Translating scrolls, of course." (Y/n) replied with an amused chuckle. Sukuna raised his brow with amusement.
"You do realise that now that you are my queen, this is not your job anymore, correct?" Sukuna asked her, making her huff softly- almost unnoticeably.

"Then who's job would it be? It is a rare ability to translate chinese characters in Japan. It would not be easy to find a replacement for me." (Y/n) told the man softly as she continued to write. Sukuna paused, thinking over her question. She was right. Translating Chinese characters was a hard trait to find in a Japanese person. He had gotten lucky with (Y/n)'s mother and (Y/n)- but in reality, there would be no replacement for (Y/n).

"Well... I could just kidnap a girl from China and-" Sukuna cut himself off with a laugh when he looked down at (Y/n) seeing that she was glaring at him.
"So you'd like to continue this job then? Despite your new rank?" Sukuna asked her, finding it almost admirable.
"Everyone needs a hobby, no?" (Y/n) replied softly as she went back to sliding her quill over the scroll. When she realised it lacked ink, she picked up her almost empty bottle of black ink and attempted to scrape the last few droplets of ink from the sides of the bottle

"You're running out of supplies." Sukuna commented, watching as the girl began fishing ink out of what looked like an already finished bottle to him.
"I am." She agreed, "Actually, I was hoping you'd allow me to go to the painters market this afternoon." The girl then added, looking up at Sukuna with hopeful eyes. She wanted to go almost two weeks ago but had ruined it when she lied to Sukuna the day she began menstruating. He said she had to earn his approval and she wasn't sure if that was still the case.

Sukuna's eyes narrowed down at her as he thought over her request.
"They only have a week left before they pack up and move the market to a different province, and I'd really like to explore what they have to offer before their departure." The girl added softly, her eyes locked on Sukuna who still seemed hesitant, his eyes squinting at the girl. He took a few moments to reply, thinking hard on her request.

"I do not like when you leave the temple." Sukuna finally said, his lips pressed into a thin line, "You always get yourself into trouble." This made (Y/n) giggle sheepishly as she scratched the back of her neck. That was true. She always ended up falling asleep in random places when she was allowed out of the temple. She didn't think it was entirely her fault. She just had low energy a lot of the time.

"Then come with me." (Y/n) suggested with a smile on her face, making Sukuna scoff at her words. Go with her? To a market? With people? And children?
"Absolutely not." Sukuna instantly declined, making (Y/n) frown.
"You'd let me go alone?" She asked him with a frown, making Sukuna pause again. He couldn't let her go alone because if there's anything she proved it was that she needed supervision.

"I'll assign two curse users to guard you." Sukuna then decided, making (Y/n)'s frown deepen at his desicion.
"You really won't join me today?" The girl asked him softly, her voice clearly displeased at his desicion.
"You said the market has a week before it's departure, correct? Doesn't that mean you have a week to convince me to join you for another visit?" Sukuna then asked with a raised brow, speaking before he could stop himself.

He didn't want to go to any kind of market when they were filled with nothing but disgusting commoners. But maybe if he could arrange something beforehand, he could control who went to the market on a certain day- or technically, who didn't go to the market on a certain day. That way, he won't be scowling at people the entire time she was shopping. (Y/n) grinned at Sukuna's hint, making her jump up with excitement.

"Wonderful!" She smiled happily.
"I'll have two curse users wait for you by the temple's front entrance. Get yourself ready." Sukuna told the girl, "You will return by sunset or I will personally punish you and them for your insolence. Am I understood?" Sukuna then asked, making the girl grin as she nodded before turning on her heel quickly, preparing to run down the hall only for Sukuna to grab onto her wrist and pull her back into him.

"Are you not going to thank me?" Sukuna asked the girl with a raised brow as she turned over in his arms. She giggled and she pushed herself up to her toes to kiss him chastely on the lips.
"Thank you!" She grinned before running away, Sukuna watching her with an amused smile as her figure got further and further down the hall. Sukuna sighed as he turned around before mumbling to himself,

"She's got me on a leash and she knows it."

(A.N ~ Vote & Comment.)

Chapter 77 Quote Teaser :

"You're the girl that they're all talking about...the one who's declared herself Lord Sukuna's queen?"

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